Letters from the Past
No. 2
Kake, Alaska
Dec. 3, 1919
Dearest Helen,
I am so sorry to hear of Ester’s death, how terrible it seems and those poor children and the father. But God knows best and His will be done so you must remember and be comforted.
It is dark and cloudy but the sun is trying to shine. I am clerking in the Native store this week. School has been closed for three weeks now. The village is quarantined for smallpox. But I think school will begin next Monday. Thirty-eight people have had smallpox. One man died. I was vaccinated. My arm was sore, very sore, but I am so thankful I didn’t get it. It leaves the face all scarred and it is such a terrible disease. Some were just one mass of sores from head to foot. We helped vaccinate a lot of them.
This store is in uproarious condition. They are fixing it over. I got a letter from Pru last night. They are all well. The mail boat came in late last night.
A lot of Natives are standing around the store here. I just sold a box of handkerchiefs. O the sun is out.
I won’t get a suit until January I guess. Do they wear velvet very much? I just love little velvet suits. I’m so hungry. Marovish and I have hard times batching.
Well I must stop and clean up the shelves.
O yes, there is a doctor here from Juneau. He was up last night and played cards with us. Ate up all the candy I got in the mail.
It is 4 o clock, dark. I didn’t work in the store this a.m. Clerk is well. I hope you all are well. Give my best regards and kindest sympathy to the family.
Your loving sister,
P.S. Are you going home? I’m sending the money back and $1 for Xmas. I just can’t get anything up here and am so sorry. But anyway Merry Christmas to all.
Note: This is a series of letters offered from the personal collection of popular author, Laurie Davis. Some letters date as far back as World War I.
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