Letters from the Past
No. 5
Wenatchee, Washington
November 8, 1919
Dear Helen and Arthur,
I am terribly slow in answering your (picture) Ha Ha! We are so proud of the picture and think it is so good for both of you, but you will forgive us for being so slow to write.
Raymond works every day now. He is driving a truck hauling apples, so he leaves here before seven, and it is almost always close to seven when he gets home tired out. We have all of our apples sold now. We sold in bulk or by the ton, so we did not have to bother about packing them.
I suppose you have heard about our big boy. He was five weeks old yesterday. We call him Raymond Ralph or just Ralph. He is so good. We hardly know he is around part of the time. He sure is lots of company to me when Raymond is gone all day and too when I can not do much work. I tell you it seems mighty good to be up, after so long a time in bed, even if I cannot do much. I am gradually gaining though and think before too long I will be fine.
We are living in father’s place now, right close to Wenatchee. The folks left a week ago Tuesday for California. They expect to stay in California for a while then in the Spring start back to Indiana. I think though they will think that too long and being tired come on home. Got a card yesterday that said they were in California last Tuesday.
Better come over for dinner. Just baked two apple pies and a pumpkin pie. You can have your choice.
Well, let us hear from you soon.
With love,
Viola and Raymond
Note: This is a series of letters offered from the personal collection of popular author, Laurie Davis. Some letters date as far back as World War I. You can view other letters posted by Laurie by clicking here.
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