Walk with Jesus
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” – Isaiah 55:12 (NIV)
I love this time of year when the leaves change color, and Mother Nature transitions into winter. There is something about walking on crunching leaves, with cool autumn air wrapped around me, that gives me spiritual strength. Everything seems to slow down and there is a feeling of calm and peace that comes over me. This is my time with Jesus. I love to walk by myself with my thoughts and prayers. The beauty and the solitude invite conversation with Him and it helps to clear my mind of stress and concern. In the Bible, Luke 6:12 talks about Jesus going to a mountainside to pray and spending the night praying to God. I love knowing that Jesus too, would go off by Himself to collect His thoughts and pray. It brings me such comfort. Over the years, I have learned to walk with Jesus every day. I may not physically get out and walk each day, but I let Him lead me in my walk through life. I know that whenever something is bothering me, I can go to Him. He knows what is best for me, and He will never lead me astray. There have been many times when I tried to control what was happening in my life, and yet I quickly found out that I was never in control. Once I decided to let go and let Jesus lead then my life changed for the better. I have to admit things aren’t always easy for me, and yet I pray each day that whatever His will is for me, then that is what I want too. It is amazing how good that feels to let go of the struggle of life, and let Him lead. It is like letting out a deep breath of air. It’s a feeling of release. It brings me such comfort knowing that as I age, and my life on Earth winds down, that Jesus is walking with me, as I am led into eternal life with Him. What joy that brings me, knowing that I don’t have to be afraid of my earthly death and that I will be led into my new life where there is no pain and sorrow.
Lord, as we start our work week, help each of us to understand the importance of walking with You. Show us that Your will is what is best for each of us, and lead each person who does not know You to seek You and love you as I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This is a new weekly series by writer Laurie Davis.
- The Mystery Man - March 10, 2025
- Reverend Thomas R Easterday - February 3, 2025
- Teaching Future Leaders - January 27, 2025
Very beautifully written!
Thank you, Etohan, for your kind words.