District Court Report: April 29, 2022

Kyle Robert-Wayne Shaw
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $850
93 days, credit 1, balance suspended
120 hours community service

Clinton Lawrence LaFaver IV
Malicious Destruction of property Less Than $200
Assault or Assault & Battery
Fines and costs $1781.44
93 days, credit 3, balance held in abeyance
No contact victim
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
Complete domestic violence group

Mauricio Jiminez, Jr.
Operate While Intoxicated
Fines and costs $850
93 days held in abeyance
140 hours community service

Sarah Jean Bailey
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $850
93 days, credit 1, balance suspended
160 hours community service

Davis Alan Lawrence Coullard
Fines and costs $575
93 days, credit 14, balance held in abeyance

Rashalla Kathern LaPonsie
Motor Vehicle-Operation Without Security
Fines and costs $550
90 days suspended

Alicia Gervais
Fail to Stop After Collision
Fines and costs $385
30 days suspended

Cynthia Jean Gagnon
Operate-License Suspended/Restricted/Denied
Fines and costs $580
30 days suspended

Stevie Lynn Peterleus
Operate Without License on Person
Fines and costs $240
30 days suspended

Raeann Nicole Franklin-Teneyck
Domestic Violence
Fail to Report Accident
Fines and costs $580
93 days, credit 14, balance suspended
No bars/taverns/casinos
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
Sign releases
Test on demand
Assessment and recommendations
Complete domestic violence group

Mindy Fay Derosier
Disturbing the Peace
Fines and costs $480
90 days suspended

Keaton Rae Cook
Operate Without License on Person
Fines and cost $240
30 days suspended

Kristen Margaret Schornack
Operate- License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $580
93 days suspended

Ashley lee Carpenter
Domestic Violence
Fines and costs $780
93 days, credit 2, serve 5, balance suspended

Christopher Derek Causley
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $175
93 days, credit 30, balance suspended

Daniel Dillon Oprish
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $530

Christian James Saunders
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $530

Marc David Horka II
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $175
93 days, credit 93 days

Justin Thomas Skipper
Disorderly Person-Drunk
Fines and costs $430
90 days, serve 7, balance held in abeyance

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