Madison Salmon
Child Abuse- 4th Degree
Fines and costs $995
365 days, credit 2, balance held in abeyance
Sign releases
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No alcohol products
Test on demand
No weapons
No contact victim
Complete parenting & anger mgmt. classes
Assessment and recommendations
Ashley Fiordalisi
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $870
93 days, credit 1, balance held in abeyance
No alcohol products
Sign releases
No bars/taverns/casinos
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
Test on demand
No weapons
80 hours community service
Assessment and recommendations
Randy John Vincent
Fines and costs $350
90 days, credit 3, balance held in abeyance
Coulton Joseph Laaksonen
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Operate While Intoxicated
Fines and costs $2,040
365 days, serve 40, balance held in abeyance
240 hours community service
Sign releases
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
No alcohol products
Test on demand
No weapons
Attend two 12 step meetings per week
Assessment and recommendations
Steven Kyle Green
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $750
93 days suspended
Assessment and recommendations
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
Test on demand
Sign releases
Aaron James Newell
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $1,250
93 days, credit 3, serve 3, balance held in abeyance
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
160 hours community service
Attend one 12 step meeting per week
Assessment and recommendations
Matthew Coleman Sheppard
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $850
93 days, credit 1, balance suspended
80 hours community service
Complete alcohol education class
Alvin Fredrick Bouschor, Jr,
Disorderly Person-Drunk
Fines and costs $445
90 days, credit 3, balance held in abeyance
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
Test on demand
No weapons
Assessment and recommendations
Test twice weekly
Lauren Jane LeBlanc
Retail Fraud-Second Degree
Fines and costs $975
365 days suspended
30 hours community service
Areka Ali-Lucille Foutch
Disorderly Person-Jostling
90 days, credit 2, balance held in abeyance
Fines and costs $265
Continue counseling & sign releases
No contact victim
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No alcohol products
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No weapons
Eric Jeffery Marken
Fail to Report Accident to Fixture
Fines and costs $385
90 days suspended
Shayne Michael Rice
Operate With BAC Over .17
Fines and costs $175
180 days, credit 19, serve 1, balance suspended
80 hours community service
Gary Alfred Synett
Disorderly Person-Jostling
Fines and costs $785
90 days held in abeyance
Complete batterers group
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No weapons
Attend on 12 step meeting per week
Assessment and recommendations
Frank Raymond King
Fines and costs $175
30 days, credit 28, serve 2
Justin Charles Andersen
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $1,950.44
30 days, credit 2, serve 4, balance held in abeyance
Kelvin Alexander Hoffman
Operate-License Suspended/Revoked/Denied
Fines and costs $530
Abigail Paige Lovin
Operate While Intoxicated
Fines and costs $1,080
93 days, credit 1, balance held in abeyance
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
80 hours community service
Attend one 12 step meeting per week
Assessment and recommendations
Jared Blake Christensen
Fail to Report Accident
Fines and costs $335
90 days suspended
20 hours community service
Nancy Jean Bailey
Motor Vehicle-Operation Without Security
Fines and costs $550
Emily Margaret Rolston
Retail Fraud-Third Degree
Fines and costs $745
93 days held in abeyance
40 hours community service
No Walmart property
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No weapons
Complete Retail Fraud Awareness program
Joshua Cicero James III
Motor Vehicle-Operation without Security
Fines and costs $600
90 days suspended
Christopher James Avery
Motor Vehicle-Operation Without Security
Fines and costs $550
Melissa Marie Lyons
Operate While Intoxicated
Fines and costs $1,070
93 days, credit 1, balance held in abeyance
Serve 30 days on Soberlink
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No assaultive behavior
80 hours community service
Assessment and recommendations
Attend one 12 step meeting per week
Richard Andrew Kessinger
Motor vehicle-Operation Without Security
Fines and costs $550
Wade James Varcoe
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $930
93 days, credit 1, balance held in abeyance
Assessment and recommendations
80 hours community service
Sign releases
No alcohol products
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No weapons
Donald Ray Thon
License Plate – Unlawful Use
Fines and costs $240
30 days suspended
Brady Allen McFarlane
Attempted-Police Officer-Assault/Resist/Obstruct
Fines and costs $877
365 days, credit 1, balance suspended
40 hours community service
Michael David Bosquez
Disorderly Person-Drunk
Fines and costs $175
90 days, credit 74, balance suspended
Gabraielle Lee Peters
Operate While Visibly Impaired
Fines and costs $1,030
93 days, credit 1, balance held in abeyance
80 hours community service
Sign releases
No alcohol, controlled substance, marijuana, THC
No alcohol products
No bars/taverns/casinos
Test on demand
No weapons
Assessment and recommendations
The following cases have been bound over to the 50th Circuit Court:
Daniel James LaPonsie
Weapons-Carry Concealed
Operate While Intoxicated
Firearm-Possess Under the Influence
David Timothy Poirier
Gun-Discharge Causing Injury/Death
Kayla Carolynn Michalski
Controlled Substance-Deliver/Manufacture Methamphetamine
Controlled Substance-Deliver/Manufacture Methamphetamine
Controlled Substance-Deliver/Manufacture Methamphetamine
Controlled Substance-Deliver/Manufacture Methamphetamine
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