Hi everyone. The New Year hasn’t started well for me. Before Christmas, I got sick. It was awful. My mom was scared, and I was too ill to be. I was sick to my stomach, and I stopped eating. My mom knew something was up early one morning when I had snuggled next to her all night without getting up and wanting to eat and play. She put food in my bowl and called me to the kitchen, but I wouldn’t leave the bed. She called the doctor immediately, knowing something was wrong with me. My new doctor saw me that afternoon, and they did a chest x-ray and took a urine specimen. They hydrated me. My urine was full of blood. When they showed the vial to my mom, she thought it was blood they had taken. But it wasn’t. It was my urine. They gave me an antibiotic shot just in case I had an infection. I got another shot, but I forgot what it was for. They also put me on some urinary tract food, but I didn’t like it. It had stuff in it, and I don’t like bits and pieces of things in my food. I like pate because it’s nice and smooth. So we had to get my food straightened out so I would eat. For a while, I was on baby food. That helped. I had beef and chicken. I liked the beef the best. I didn’t feel like eating much, though. I just wanted to snuggle with my mom and not move from the bed.
I had to go back so the doctor could recheck me, and I had blood tests and another urine test done. It still had blood in it. The next day, she called my mom with the results of the blood tests. It’s my thyroid, and it had a very high number attached to it. My mom told her I had what she thought was extensive blood work done last summer, and she was told my bloodwork was fine. But when this new doctor checked my paperwork from the last doctor, they hadn’t done a thyroid test. My mom was upset. Because blood tests are expensive, and she assumed they tested for everything. She’s not a medical professional, and she trusted the doctor. I want all you non-furry parents out there to be aware of this and ask lots of questions when they do blood tests on your loved ones. Make sure to ask if they are testing for thyroid issues. Now, I am paying the price. This isn’t fun. I don’t like being sick.
As of right now, I am on two thyroid pills a day. I am also on wet urinary tract food. I see the doctor again next week. I will have more blood work and another urine specimen taken to see if there is still blood in my urine. It’s kind of a wait-and-see thing. I am up and eating, but I don’t feel well. And guess what? To top off all those problems, they gave me pink pills. If you read my last column, you know I have an aversion to the color pink.
My mom found some pink pills around the apartment that were supposed to be in my tummy. I don’t like those pink pills. Why can’t they be blue or plain old white? Why pink? So now she is double-checking and making sure she is getting the pills on the back of my tongue and syringing water in afterward so I am not saving them in the side of my mouth and spitting them out when she is not looking. Life can be tough.
Christmas wasn’t fun because I was sick, but I did get a new ball. Guess what? It wasn’t pink this time, it was green. I loved it, but it came up missing. My mom has taken the broom and the Swiffer and gone under the furniture, but nothing comes out. We don’t know where the balls are. She has a bad knee, so she is unable to get down on the floor and look with a flashlight. We’re still missing the two pink balls she had bought earlier.
Years ago, my mom bought an electric pet bed warmer for winter. She bought it in the summer and put it away. When winter came, she couldn’t find it. So when we moved at the end of last summer, she found it while packing. She put it on the bench in front of the window for me. Now, I can look out the window and be warm and cozy.
Our apartment doesn’t have carpet, and my paws are suffering. So are my mom’s. Today, she put her yoga mat part way under the bench so when I jump down, I land on the soft yoga mat and won’t hurt my paws. She put carpet tape underneath it so neither of us would trip and fall. That was nice of my mom, but the only thing is the yoga mat is pink. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Why is everything pink? Can’t a guy catch a break?
I apologize for being so down and depressed, but maybe what I am going through will help someone else. I hope to know more after next week’s visit and tests. My mom has noticed that I am also drinking a lot of water. She needs to mention that to my doctor next week. My brother, Winston, had kidney problems before he died, and he was drinking a ton of water too. I hope I don’t have that.
I also want to mention to all you non-furry parents, please find a doctor who will make appointments so you can be there with your loved one. Don’t let them tell you to drop off your pet. They will be left in their carrier until they have time to look at them. It could be hours before you get to pick them up. Would you leave a child at the doctor’s office by him or herself? I don’t think so. Please don’t do that to your pet. We get scared and nervous, and then to be left in our carrier until someone can get to us is not a good thing to do. Stress like that is bad for our health. My mom doesn’t do that to me, although there have been doctors that have wanted her to. She refuses.
I ask for everyone to pray for me. I would love some mail, too. It’s hard when you feel sick. I love getting and answering mail. It keeps my mind off things. Tell me something about yourself and what you like to do. I am not on social media, but you can comment at the end of this article or email me at maverick@eupnews.com. I try to answer all mail.
Quote of the Day
“When animals express their feelings they pour out like water from a spout. Animals’ emotions are raw, unfiltered, and uncontrolled. Their joy is the purest and most contagious of joys and their grief the deepest and most devastating. Their passions bring us to our knees in delight and sorrow”.
– Marc Bekoff
Love Maverick
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day - March 12, 2025
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
Hi Maverick it’s me spooky again!
I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick. I know it’s not fun being sick. A year and a half ago I had kidney stones and they had to operate on me to remove them. I too am on special pate. It is for urinary health. I also have kibble for urinary health. I do know the special pate can be very costly. My mom orders it online through the vet and it gets delivered to our house. It took me a little while to get used to it but I actually do kind of like it now.
I have never heard of an electric pet bed warmer. That sounds so cozy! I might have to ask my mom if she would look into getting me one of those. Maybe put it in my crate because sometimes I like to curl up in my pink fuzzy bed in my crate.
I do hope your mom is able to find your new Christmas ball. I know when Mom has pulled the refrigerator or the stove out to clean behind, she sometimes finds my toys back there. And I am so happy when she finds them!
Well today is a very bitter cold and windy day. I have slept most of today either on top of the couch or on Mom’s lap. In fact I was napping when she started reading your column to me. So I had to stay awake and pay attention! I do so enjoy mom reading your cat tales. You do such a good job with your stories.
Well I think it’s time that I go back to curling up and taking another cat nap! I hope you get to feeling better soon and that you can be chasing your toys around. I look forward to your next Cat Tales!
Happy Tales To You,
Dear Spooky
Thanks for commenting. I like hearing from my fans.
I hope I never have kidney stones. That had to be so painful, but I am glad you’re okay now.
My mom orders my food from Chewy.com and has it auto-shipped each month. That way you get a discount and we got $20.00 off the first month. What a great deal because you’re right, the food is expensive.
I know the missing balls aren’t under the fridge and stove because these are big mop-head balls and they wouldn’t fit. They are funny-looking, but I love them because they are big and don’t roll around as fast as the little ones. Plus they are great for throwing up in the air. You would think they would be easy to find. Maybe Oscar and Oliver have them.
I hope your mom gets you an electric bed warmer because they are great. Nice and cozy.
Well, Spooky, I need to rest, but I want to thank you very much for being a fan and leaving comments. I appreciate it very much. Take care, stay warm, and healthy.
Love Maverick