Hi everyone. Maverick here with another edition of “Cat Tales.” For anyone new to my column, “Cat Tales” is a blog about my daily life with my mom. From time to time, there will also be info helpful to pet owners. I never know what I’m going to write about until I write. If you want to read any of my back issues, go to eupnews.com and go to the tab at the top of the page that says features. Click on Interest Stories and then Maverick.
I want to give you an update on my latest doctor’s appointment. I have had some major health issues in the past year, and before Christmas, I was feeling terrible. I just had my third check-up, and I gained half a pound. My doctor was excited about that. If my brother, Alex, were still here, he’d be rolling his eyes. He always had weight to lose. Having a doctor excited about gaining weight is a big deal for me. They did not do the thyroid blood test that they were going to do this time because I have been periodically spitting out the pink pills. My mom finds them occasionally around our apartment, and wouldn’t you know it when I was in the doctor’s examining room, my mom found a pill on my warming mat inside my carrier. Oops! My mom told the technician that sometimes I save my pills in my cheek and spit them out when she isn’t looking. Now, my mom is watching me like a hawk, trying to get the pill on the back of my tongue and syringing water into my mouth. She had been doing that since the beginning, but now she watches me a while longer to make sure I am swallowing them. I’m doing better at taking my pills since my mom explained to me that I wouldn’t feel better unless I took all of my meds. The doctor gave me a refill of my pills, but down the road, hopefully, if my mom can afford it, there is a medicine that would go in my ear above the hole. It’s pricey, twice as much as the pills. They have to make it at a compound pharmacy. I think it’s an ointment, but I’m not sure. I guess it comes in a clicker pen, so it measures the correct dosage, and I wouldn’t have to take the pills anymore. I would love to not have to take those pink pills.
I had my urine tested again, and there was still blood in it, but not as much as the previous times. It is improving. The doctor thinks that I have a type of stress cystitis because I don’t have crystals, kidney stones, or anything like that going on. She says she sees this quite often, and she feels this is what is going on with me because of all the stuff I have had going on in the last year. I don’t think my mom agrees with her, but she isn’t a doctor. They gave me an anti-inflammatory shot, and by the time my mom and I got home, I was acting like my old self. That told my mom that I had been in pain. My mom emailed my doctor and asked her if the shot could be given again if and when I started feeling bad. The doctor told my mom that I couldn’t be on it regularly because it would cause kidney issues, and I sure don’t want that. But I must say, it is wonderful feeling like my old self and being able to play and be ornery again, even if it only lasts a short while.
My mom was thinking about all that, and she realized that I haven’t been climbing up on our Hoosier Cabinet anymore and jumping on things like I used to. She thinks I may have arthritis or something similar going on, and that may be what is causing some or all of my pain. When we go back to the doctor in late February to have more tests done, she’ll talk to the doctor about that. If she doesn’t feel like she is being heard, and my health issues aren’t beginning to improve, then she will get a second opinion. She wants me to be as healthy as possible, not in pain and discomfort. We know about the thyroid, but as far as the blood in the urine and the pain I am in, my mom wants to get to the bottom of it.
The floors in our apartment are cement with vinyl, and they are horrible on the body. My mom put down a half-inch yoga mat for me so when I jump off the window seat, I will land on the mat and not the hard floor. She has since found a one-inch yoga mat at Amazon that she plans to get for the bedroom as soon as she can, so when I jump down from the bed, it is softer on my paws. And when she cooks, she can put it in the kitchen to stand on, so her paws won’t hurt either. Her paws got so bad that she had to see a paw-diatrist for the first time recently, and he gave her a shot in her paw. I wouldn’t like that at all. She has to wear special arches in her shoes now. We wish we had carpet in our apartment. Our floor looks pretty with the vinyl, but it really hurts our body.
Yesterday, while my mom was in the bathroom getting dressed, I thought I would shove my mouse under the bathroom door. There are two doors leading into and out of our bathroom. One door opens from the main part of our apartment, and the other opens from our bedroom. Both doors were closed, and I was in the bedroom. I shoved my orange mouse underneath the door. I was hoping it would scare her, but nothing happened. So I thought that maybe she hadn’t seen the mouse yet, and I pushed it further under the door. She saw my paw pushing it in and started laughing. She told me it was good to see me being playful again. I didn’t get the reaction I thought I would, but it was good to hear her laugh.
As of today, I am eating better and snuggling with my mom. My mom put a chair at the foot of the bed so I would have an easier time jumping up and down from the bed. I have also been hanging out in the office with her. She’s gotten pretty behind in paperwork, so I have been keeping her company and getting into things, too. She smiles at me because she is happy to see me being ornery again. We know, at some point, the shot will wear off, and I will go back to not feeling well, but until then, I am having some fun.
My mom still hasn’t been able to find my mop-head balls. There are three of them, and they’re all missing. A few days ago, she again took the broom and the Swiffer and poked around under the furniture, but nothing came out except dust bunnies. I sure do miss playing with them. We can’t figure out where they went.
I want to thank everyone who sent well wishes and prayers my way. I appreciate it. I also want to give a shoutout to DJ and Patrick, who are having health issues, too. Feel better soon!
Quote of the Day
“You cannot share your life with a dog … or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.” – Jane Goodall
Until next time,
Love Maverick
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
- Happy New Year - January 2, 2025
Hi Maverick it’s me Spooky!
Mom just read me your article. I feel bad that they really haven’t come to a total conclusion as to what is going on with you. I am glad that the shot did help you. I myself don’t like shots. And neither does my mom! When I have to take medicine my mom crushes up a pill and puts it in my wet cat food. Sometimes I don’t notice it, but the pills I have to take before I go to see my doctor, I can taste it so I stop eating my wet cat food once I taste it. I know I shouldn’t do that because the pill helps calm me down before I get to the doctor but I just don’t like the taste! I’m hoping that your mom will be able to afford the medicine that can be put in your ear. That will be a lot easier on both of you getting it into you! I am glad that you are feeling a little more like your old self right now. I know that makes your mom happy.
I hope your mom can find your toys that are lost. They will show up eventually they always do!
Well that’s about it from me. I do hope that you can continue to feel more like yourself. I know that will make both you and your mom very happy. I look forward to your articles. Please keep them coming!
Happy Tales To You,
Hi Spooky
It’s great to hear from you again. Taking medicine isn’t easy, but something my mom did that she didn’t know about until my doctor said something to her, is that my pills came in uncoated which was cheaper, but they also came in coated. She pays extra each month for the coated pills, which helps, and I am doing much better at taking them. I don’t have that medicine taste in my mouth at all. I have only spit it out once in the last few weeks. My mom saw me do it right away, and she got it back in me. She also puts me on the counter at her height making it easier for her to give me my meds.
I hope you keep reading my column. You’ll have to read about the adventures that I have had this week in my next edition of “Cat Tales.”
Take care, Spooky.
Love Maverick