Hi everyone. I’m Maverick with another edition of “Cat Tales.” I’m not in the dog house, but I might deserve it. Some moms would probably put me in a dog house for being ornery, but not my mom. My mom handles my orneriness by talking with me and telling me not to do whatever I’m not supposed to be doing. Sometimes she puts her hands on her hips saying “Young man, what do you think you’re doing?” When her hands go on the hips, I know she means business.
I can’t explain why I am acting out, but I think it must have something to do with this time of year. Maybe it’s the weather getting cooler, I don’t know for sure, but my orneriness came out this time last year, too. This time last year, we had moved, and I was into everything because I was upset. I played hockey with my mom’s antique milk (cream) bottles, got onto the “Hoosier” cabinet, and knocked things onto the floor, all in the middle of the night. But after I broke one of my mom’s antique bottles, I felt so bad that I settled down, until now.
A week or two ago, I was feeling a little lonely. My mom has been working a lot, and she’s also trying to reorganize our home office. The goal was to be done by the end of August, but she didn’t make it because she had some major eye issues that required two emergency appointments. Needless to say, I’ve been feeling a little left out and ornery. The thing is cats are nocturnal, and I am no exception. While she’s sleeping or trying to sleep, I’m busy finding things to occupy me. I do know not to get up on the Hoosier cabinet anymore. I don’t trust myself not to break anything.
The other night, I was on the hunt for something to do, and there was one place in the kitchen that I had never ventured so I decided to go exploring. I got up on the counter with the sink on it. It’s a long counter too, and there are all kinds of things on it like the extra bottled water that can’t fit in the fridge yet, a paper towel holder, a double sink, my meds, a coffee maker, and other odds and ends. I pretended I was one of those explorers from a long time ago, that trekked across the UP. In my mind, I was foraging through the woods, portaging my canoe, riding the rapids, and picking wild berries to eat. It was fun until a water bottle or two got knocked off the counter. Then reality set in, and I heard my mom get up. I jumped down, ran to my window seat, and pretended I was asleep. My mom has arthritis and it takes her a bit to get up now. She’s not as fast as she used to be. Plus, she has big eye issues and doesn’t see as well. She went to the kitchen and saw the bottled water on the floor, but didn’t see me. She then found me sleeping on the window seat in the living room. She went back to bed probably wondering how the bottles got on the floor.
Last night, I was hungry for my wet food. That can’t be left out so mom got up and fed me. She doesn’t mind because I have health issues that prevent me from eating very much food at once. But when I finished eating, and she went back to bed, I started banging on the nightstand and trying to pull the drawer open. “Maverick, go to sleep,” she said. Then I went over to the bedroom window and started to swing the vertical blinds back and forth, which made a knocking sound on the window. My mom got up, and of course, I followed her thinking I was getting more cat food in my bowl. She waited until I cleared the doorway, and then she shut it. OMG! I hate when she does that. I don’t like being left out of the bedroom. I waited until I thought she was back in bed and then I decided to ride the rapids again, meet some voyageurs, and visit some Indian camps. I jumped up on the counter to explore again, and I guess I made too much noise visiting my new friends because the next thing I knew my mom was up, with her hands on her hips, giving me the grumpy eye. So much for my adventure.
I gave her a rest for a night or two and stayed snuggled with her. It was hard not to explore. But last night, I was back at it knocking the blinds against the window in the wee hours of the morning. When my mom got up, I thought “I am going to outsmart her.” I knew when she got up, she was waiting for me to clear the door, then shut it. But I hid. It was dark so she couldn’t see me, and I am pretty sure she thought I had already high-tailed it out to the kitchen so she closed the bedroom door. The only thing was I was still in the bedroom. She was surprised when I jumped on the bed. I did outsmart her that time, but usually, it’s the other way around. How do moms do that? We ended up snuggling, which was great. I love snuggling with my mom, but I was just itching to sneak out and play with my new friends again. Who knows what tonight will bring? I’m probably testing my mom’s patience, but I know she loves me no matter what. Plus, I have this feeling my mom would love to shoot the rapids with me and camp under the stars.
In other news, a reader wanted to know if Spaghetti Betty was my love interest. Spaghetti Betty was with me when I opened that particular email. We looked at each other with our mouths hanging open and had a fit of cat giggles. We could hardly stop, and then we glanced at each other and said, “EW.” In case anyone else has wondered about that there’s your answer. We’re friends, kind of like, brother and sister, so don’t anyone get any ideas. That’s just gross.
Remember to take your children, grandchildren, siblings, and anyone else to the library and let them find some great books. A new one I recommend is called “Rescue Cat” by Stephen Savage. It’s about a street cat named, Butterscotch. It’s a new release. Ask for it in your local library.
For adult readers, I recommend the book “Shock and Paw,” by Kate Conte. It’s a great read on a cozy night with a mug of hot chocolate. Reading a good book is relaxing and helps reduce stress too.
That’s it for this edition of “Cat Tales.” Don’t forget to like me on Facebook or comment at the bottom of this column. I love fan mail. Remember I cannot respond to you on Facebook though. My mom doesn’t allow me on social media, but I would appreciate a like.
Today’s quote: “Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time, for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.” —James Mason
Take care everyone.
Love Maverick
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Hi Maverick, it’s me Spooky! I loved your Cat Tales. As my mom was reading it to me, I got cat giggles. I sometimes pull stuff on my mom in the middle of the night. I like to jump on the bed and walk all over her. As she rolls over, I jump off the bed and head for the door. I’m thinking she’s going to get up and follow me to the kitchen. But nope, she just repositions herself and tries to go back to sleep. So, then I have to jump on the bed again and walk all over her some more. Sometimes, I even put my cold wet nose right on her closed eye! That always gets a quick reaction. Oh no…..I’m getting cat giggles just thinking about this! Ha! Ha! Anyway, if that doesn’t get her out of bed, I get down on the floor and start messing with the end table next to the bed. She knows I like to chew on things, so she gets up out of bed and I run straight across to the bathroom. (That’s because it’s usually the first place she goes when she gets up.) But nope, she closes the bedroom door. So, I go sulking off and find something else to do. I will eventually give up and go to sleep on the blanket mom has on top of the couch. I just love blankets! After my nap, I get back up and start whapping at the bedroom doorknob. (If I’m not mistaken, I think I told you about doing that a while back.) Mom tries to ignore it, but then caves and opens the bedroom door. I’m so excited because now it’s daylight out and I KNOW she is going to give me my breakfast. She has to be careful when she comes out to the living room because sometimes, I have been pulling toys out of my toy baskets and play with them until I am tired and ready to go to the top of the couch to nap. There have been times when she’s not fully awake and ends up stepping on my toys. I hate it when they are hollow toys as I hear them crunch under her feet and she yells out “Oh!” She scolds me and tells me I need to learn to put my toys away when I am done playing with them. I just look at her like, I’m a cat, we pull toys out to play with, we don’t put them away. Then she shakes her head and gets me my breakfast.
Well Maverick, one of these days, we need to get together and share more stories and have a few cat giggles together! Oh yeah, bring Spaghetti Betty with you too. I bet we could have a great time thinking up things to do to and just see how much mischief our moms will let us get away with!
Happy Tales To You,
Hi Spooky
Holy cow! I think you’re way more ornery than I am. That makes me feel better that I’m not the only cat that gets into things.
My mom got an idea from your comment. I used to have a huge bed in our home office, but when my mom reorganized everything, there wasn’t room for it so she put it in the living room. She said she’d get me a smaller one, as soon as she could, but when you said you have a blanket, to sleep on, my mom thought of a big fluffy throw someone gave me once, and it’s in the linen armoire. My mom will get that out and put that in the office so I have a place to sit other than my office chair when she’s working. I like to be near her so I don’t feel lonely. She’ll fold it over a few times and then lay it on the floor so it is nice and comfy. I’ll try it and see how it works.
I think we should have a slumber party. My brother had one once, but I will tell you right now, we wouldn’t be allowed to do all the crazy things he did. I know you read about it in one of my past columns. My mom would turn grey if we did that and probably go a little crazy.
Take care Spooky and thanks for writing.
Love Maverick