I Got Some Great News

Here I am again, with another edition of “Cat Tales.” In case, you’re new to my blog/column, my name is Maverick, and I am a cat who writes about things happening with my mom and me. Also, you’ll hear about my friends Spaghetti Betty, Oscar, and Oliver. Speaking of which, Oscar and Oliver came over the other day to play. They’ve grown since the last time I saw them. They are still ornery, and as cute as ever. Oliver is the ornery one, while Oscar is less so. Oliver reminds me of my late brother Alex. He is going to be a handful as he gets older, just the way Alex was. If you’ve been reading my columns, you may remember Alex from “The Slumber Party.” If you haven’t read it, go to the website, and look under features. You will find all the columns I have written there.

I think of Oliver, as little Alex, because of his orneriness. He got into the walk-in closet and climbed the shelves, knocked things over, grabbed onto the clothes hangers swinging them back and forth, climbed into the cat carrier tuckered out, and took a nap.  Oscar, on the other paw, reminds me of my late brother Winston. Winston was the sweetest brother. He never got into trouble and he was so quiet. That’s kind of how Oscar is.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Oscar and Oliver are invisible? They come over and play when my mom is gone for more than an hour or two. I don’t like being left alone so they’re great company. Just so you know, they’re real, but nobody can see them but me.

My mom told me that when she was little she had invisible friends too. She spent time with them playing in her bedroom and frequently had them stay over for dinner. I can imagine my Grandma’s face the first time she heard my mom talking to her invisible friends at the dinner table. My mom told me about a time when my mom was little, she was coming down the stairs of their home when she heard my Grandma tell one of her church friends on the phone that of her four kids, my mom was the most different. I asked my mom if it upset her when she heard that, she said at first she didn’t understand what she meant, but later on she embraced her “weirdness.” That makes me smile because I take after my mom. Invisible friends are the best. 

Spaghetti Betty told me the other day, about the progress on her new house. She said there is still a lot of inside work to do, her parents are waiting on appliances, fixtures, and things like that, but her mom and dad have her room finished. It has a big picture window where she can watch the boats and there are all kinds of cat shelves on the wall with steps that you can play or sleep on. She has a big tunnel thing on the floor, and she said it’s fun to play in, a teepee cat house to nap in, and colorful pillows to lay on. She said she couldn’t believe she was once homeless and now living like a queen in a beautiful home with wonderful parents. She told me her mom and dad plan on spending time in the room too, especially since the room has a big picture window so they can watch the boats. They don’t want Spaghetti Betty to feel isolated. She’s close to her mom and dad like I am to my mom. My mom and I don’t have a fancy house, we have a small apartment, but it’s cozy. It has everything we need and there is lots of love, and I know that’s the most important thing there is.

My mom is having more eye issues. She had to call the surgeon’s office yesterday, so now she is on antibiotic ointment and pills. She’s having extreme pain, and I can tell she doesn’t feel well. So I have been lying low at night, not playing voyageur and riding the rapids so she can get lots of rest. I’m snuggling with her more because that always makes her feel better, and me too.

She said last night, that it will soon be time to put the flannel sheets on the bed, along with an extra quilt. When we got up this morning it was very dark, and we thought it was the middle of the night. I find myself sleeping later in the morning because of it. When my mom gets up, I hurriedly crawl over to her spot where it’s nice and warm, and she never makes the bed until I am up for the day. I love my mom.

I had my 3-month check-up the other day. I got a shot, and they did the blood, and urine thing again, which I have to have done every 3 months. I weigh 12.5 pounds so I am holding my own. They were pleased about that, and the best news is there was only a tiny bit of blood in my urine this time, and the doctor said it was probably from the catheter. My mom and I didn’t think my urine was ever going to clear up. It’s been almost a year now since we found out I was ill. Also, my thyroid is in the normal range, on the low side, but normal so I am stable right now. The doctor wants to keep me on one thyroid pill in the morning, and a half at night. That’s been working well for me. And unless something happens I don’t have to go back for six months. That deserves a high paw.

Did You Know

  • According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Ben Rea, a wealthy antique dealer in the United Kingdom, left his cat Blackie, 12.5 million dollars, when Rea died in 1988. That sum today would be around 32 million dollars. Blackie, the last surviving of the 15 felines who lived with Ben in his mansion in Dorney, Buckinghamshire, inherited the cash. Ben did have family, but he was a recluse and refused to recognize his family in his will. Instead, the majority of his money was split between three cat charities, along with the instruction that they were to look after his pet until his very last day.
  • According to Newsweek Magazine, a cat named Felicette from Paris, was launched into orbit by the French space program. On October 18, 1963, Félicette was launched atop a Véronique AG1 rocket from a site in Algeria within the Sahara Desert. During her journey, which lasted less than 15 minutes, the cat reached an altitude of nearly 100 miles, briefly experiencing weightlessness and forces of up to 9.5 gs. Felicette survived the trip after the capsule carrying her successfully detached from the rocket, parachuting safely back to the ground.

Quote of the day: Once you own a cat, the probability that you bring up cats in conversation increases by 200%.” – Mickey and Mort

That’s all I have for today. I hope everyone stays healthy and has a wonderful week. Don’t forget to like me on Facebook. You can also leave a comment at the bottom of this article. 

Love Maverick🐾

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  1. So happy to hear your thyroid is holding it’s own. I also takes thyroid meds and had been doing well. It’s been a year since I started. My sister Lil just got diagnosed with a heart murmur and also takes a med. it’s a competition who gets treats first at medicine time. I hope you continue to do well and your mom gets better. Sounds like your mom loves you just as my mom does. She says i’m a good helper when my sister gets meds.

  2. Dear Mittens
    I love your name. It is so fitting for this area, and I love your sister Lil’s name too. It sounds like you have a great mom who loves you very much. She’s taking good care of you and your sister by giving you your meds. My mom sits me on the counter with a pill and a syringe full of water. First I get the pill then I get half a squirt of water and when that is swallowed I get the other half. That way it doesn’t get stuck in my throat or burn it. I am happy that you too, are holding your own with your thyroid, and I am sorry to hear of your sister’s heart murmur. My mom and I are praying for both of you. Take care Mittens—love to both you and Lil.
    Love Maverick

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