Hi, I’m Maverick, a writer for EUP News, who just happens to be a cat. I love writing about things happening with my mom and friends. My mom and I share an office. We each have a desk and have loads of fun working together. Sometimes I have to get out of my chair, walk over to her desk, and remind her that it’s time to eat. She gets a little carried away sometimes and forgets, while I on the other hand never forget to eat.
Years ago, my mom passed out while she and my brother, Alex, were at his doctor’s appointment. An ambulance was called, and she was hospitalized overnight. Guess what happened the other night? She passed out again here at home. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen, and I didn’t know what to do. I laid my paws on her praying for God to wake her up.
My mom has been going through a lot. She was diagnosed a few days ago, with a rare disease and it’s quite advanced because radiologists over the years, have not read her head scans correctly. When she went to a specialist appointment recently that had nothing to do with this disease, he told her. She was there to see him about her upcoming surgery, and he saw it on the scan. She was in shock, but thankful he saw it because it explains why she has had so much going wrong over the years. She has to see all kinds of specialists now, including a neurologist and another kind of specialist that I know nothing about, and she needs a total nuclear body scan that she is having in a few days.
This weekend was horrible, not only did she pass out, but she was in severe pain with back spasms, vomiting, severe headache, breathing issues, and a lot of other stuff. She hasn’t had any appetite, her blood sugar and blood pressure are running low for some reason, and her white blood cell count is slightly elevated. She had to see her family doctor yesterday, and of course, he couldn’t approve her upcoming surgery. But there are things in place that she has to do and meds to take, and she will see him in a week, and hopefully, she will be able to get cleared for her surgery then. Her pulmonologist cleared her today, even though she has breathing issues. He’s got some plans in place. She really needs this surgery. She’s also going to start getting monthly infusions for her asthma, instead of what she is on now. At least that’s what they’re going to try.
As I write this, her surgery is in three weeks, although it is still up in the air for now. It’s just under a 4-hour surgery, and she has to stay in the hospital overnight. If she can’t have the surgery in 3 weeks, the next available time isn’t until Spring, and she doesn’t feel she can wait that long. As of right now, she has six surgeries in her future, and now with this rare condition, there will probably be more. It is quite advanced, and I am scared. I have heard her crying in the bedroom, and when I go in there she wipes her eyes and stops. I know she doesn’t want to scare me, but I am.
Enough of that. I’m becoming very depressed. As I write this it’s my 12th anniversary with my mom. Some people may call it a birthday, but it’s not my birthday, it’s my anniversary. She found me under her car. I was very sick, and if she hadn’t rescued me, I would have died. Some horrible person shot me. I had a very long recovery, but here I am twelve years later, happily living with my mom and a proud writer for EUP News. I’m so glad she rescued me.
It’s also my first anniversary with EUP News. I am so thankful for this job. I love writing, plus I love fan mail. Mittens, who commented on my last article, has a sister Lil, who was recently diagnosed with a heart murmur. Please keep them in mind when you say your prayers. Mittens has a thyroid condition too, just like me. Also, please pray for Phoebe, she’s a tiny little girl cat, who has some serious medical problems. Pray that her doctors can help her like they did me. Remember to scroll down to the end of the article, where you can leave a comment. You can also see my replies to the comments there, as well. I would also love it if you would give me a like on Facebook.
You know what I did the other night? This may be TMI, but I tooted in bed while snuggling with my mom. I don’t know about other cats, but I toot silently. It isn’t like a human toot but it smells just as bad. I stayed very still, hoping my mom wouldn’t turn over and stop snuggling. She didn’t. I kind of think she was smiling as she snuggled me. I don’t know that for sure, it’s just a feeling I had, but my toot didn’t bother her, in the least. But I must admit, I was thinking, we should have been wearing gas masks.
I haven’t been playing any hockey this year, but I keep track of my favorite “Soo Eagles” hockey team. I want a sweatshirt and hat, but I don’t know if they make them in my size. Maybe Spaghetti Betty could make me a sweatshirt. She’s a great seamstress and costume designer. I could have her design it with the Soo Eagles logo on the front, and Bruno’s (general manager) face on the back.
My invisible friends, Oscar and Oliver, visit quite frequently now. My mom has to drive out of town for specialists and tests, sometimes she’s gone for a while. So they keep me company. I get to be a big brother to them, but boy, Oliver wears me out. Holy mackerel, he’s ornery and rambunctious.
Speaking of ornery, my mom was lying in bed resting late yesterday afternoon, when I pounced on the bed with a case of the “Zoomies.” I was running madly all over the place and making funny faces and noises. She started laughing. I love it when she laughs. I haven’t heard her laugh in a long time. I accomplished what I wanted to do, which was to make her feel better, even if it was only for a few moments.
That’s it for this column. I am asking for prayers for my mom and me. I know she has a lot going on as she goes through these extensive tests and surgeries. She worries about me, as to who will take care of me as she goes through each of her hospitalizations. I pray people will be kind and help us when necessary.
Stay safe everyone and cozy up with some hot chocolate and a good book. Hopefully next time, Spaghetti Betty and I will have some books to recommend for your reading enjoyment.
Today’s quote: “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” –Albert Schweitzer
Love Maverick
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
- Happy New Year - January 2, 2025
Dear Maverick,
What a scary thing to have your mom pass out and I am so glad to hear she’s as okay as she can be at the moment. We think of you often in our house are loved just as much as your mom loves you. My mom said to say thank you for your kind mentions and that Lil is doing wonderful on her heart meds. The follow up showed it to be effective and what a change in her behavior. She is more calm and confident than she has been in the last five years. Her heart was going so fast for so long she was afraid of her own tail sometimes. As for me, well I’m hanging in there as best I can. My mom makes me her top priority even when it annoys me.
She said one of the reasons she didn’t want to do an iodine treatment was not only because of the radioactive isolation but because she’s worried about how all that time away would really make me sad. She said I have seen a lot of people leave in our lifetime including my brother and sister. She doesn’t want me to think she left and won’t be back. I like being with my mom all the time and she with me
I had to giggle at your toot story. I do that to my mom too. She doesn’t notice it as much as my other friend does who almost got sick lol. My mom rubs my tummy and it helps. It’s not as much as it used to be but we sure are loved alot aren’t we?
Wishing your mom a speedy recovery with her surgery and good health for the days to come. A lot of prayers for you both thru this time. My mom worries about me too more than she does herself.
I hope you get your shirt and hat.
Love Mittens!
Dear Mittens
You just put the biggest toothiest grin on my face. I am so glad to hear from you. You sound like you have an amazing mom. I am happy Lil is doing well on her heart meds. Our health is so important. I am glad you are hanging in there too.
Thank you for sharing about your toots. It’s nice to know I am not alone in this. I wasn’t sure if I should share that in my column, but we all do it so I think it’s okay.
I hope you keep reading my column and writing back. I think of you, Lil, and your mom as friends, even though, we have never met. Take care of your mom as she takes care of you. That’s how it works with my mom and me. We help and love each other.
Love Maverick
P.S. Thanks for the prayers. My mom and I are praying for you, Lil, and your mom.