Happy New Year everyone. I am Maverick and this is my column “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. My mom and I had a quiet one. Holidays are tough for us, but I got a great Christmas present. In my last column, I mentioned there was an extra box in my previous Chewy auto-ship order, and I had the impression that it was a Christmas gift for me. I was right. I am now the proud owner of a house, not any old house but a Tudor house. It’s big, has lots of windows, and a front and back door. My mom told me I don’t owe a mortgage on it either. I had some thoughts when I opened it because I wasn’t sure what it was. It was in pieces, and my mom had to put it together like a puzzle. I thought oh, oh, – we’re in trouble now. My mom doesn’t like to look at the directions for some reason. She prides herself on being able to figure things out on her own. For the most part, it worked, but then I saw her glance a few times at the booklet. I’m proud of her because she didn’t have to take it apart and start over. It isn’t a four-sided house either. It has all these little dormers and things that stick out so it was a little more complicated than putting together a ranch-style house. She put a small pink flannel cloth on the floor inside of the house. If you remember from past columns of mine I have an aversion to the color pink, but I walked in the front door checked out my house, and then left by the back door. She was smiling from ear to ear. She reassured me that just because I have my own house now, it’s just a place to play or nap and that I will still be living with her in our apartment. After all, we’re snuggle buddies. I gave her my biggest toothiest grin because I love living with my mom in our apartment, but it’s pretty cool too, having a house inside an apartment to get away from things if I so choose. Later in the day, my mom read while I napped and snuggled. New Year’s was more of the same. We don’t make resolutions because we’re old and never keep them anyway. We had found in the past, that we disappointed ourselves when we made them and failed to keep them. It can cause anxiety, so why bother?
My mom got a steroid shot in her left knee a few days before Christmas, but it didn’t work. She ended up in Urgent Care over the weekend. Yesterday, I heard her call the body shop she uses when she has trouble with her knees, and she made an appointment for Monday. Now she has to deal with that on top of her surgery for some other issues that she is having at the beginning of February. Last year was a rough year for her, and this year isn’t starting so great either. But there is always a bright side to everything, my mom says. We have each other, a roof over our heads, and Jesus in our hearts. That’s the most important thing. Oh, and I can’t forget about Princess Blue. She’s a part of our family too. She’s old like us, but she gets us around. Don’t call her a car though because she’s part of the family and has a personality and everything. She talks to us and sometimes teaches us new words when someone rides her tail, and if I’m in the back seat, my mom tells me to cover my ears.
I want to remind anyone who may have received a new pet for Christmas, that according to The Spruce Pets, “Cats can be shy creatures, even under the best of circumstances. Kitties coming from hectic shelter or rescue environments might be suffering from some residual stress and anxiety. Even outgoing cats can benefit from having a safe room which allows the cat to ease into new surroundings slowly, by exploring at their own pace. A great big house (or even a smaller apartment) can seem enormous to a cat. One room is less intimidating and can make a cat feel secure.
Safe rooms are especially helpful if you already have one or more cats at home because they allow the newcomer to be slowly introduced to your resident cats. Cats are territorial. They can become adversarial or aggressive if you try to force introductions. Most cats can eventually learn to get along if allowed to get to know each other slowly on their own terms.”
Today’s quote: “It occurred to me that cats were being held back a little bit. I thought, ‘I’ll give the cat-human thoughts and feelings but not be apologetic for it. That would be very catlike.’” – Jim Davis, creator of Garfield
That’s it for this edition of “Cat Tales.” I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year, and may all your dreams come true. And an extra special hug to all my new friends who have made comments at the end of my columns. I am very thankful for every one of you.
Love Maverick
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day - March 12, 2025
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
Happy New Year Maverick!
Your house sounds like fun. My mom made me a loft bed out of a box. Well I sort of claimed the box and fought with Lil so she put a stick for support and my bed on top with my steps to use for climbing. She said at some point I have to say goodbye to my box but as long as it’s safe I can keep it.
I got a Christmas stocking but I preferred the wrapping paper and box. My sister Lil and I got yelled at just before Christmas. We were chasing each other around the bottom of the tree and it started to wobble. My mom said Santa wouldn’t stop here if we kept this up and knocked it over so we stopped.
I hope you and your mom have a healthier and happier year bc 2024 sure was rough on us too!
Hi Mittens
I was just thinking of you and Lil. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, and your loft sounds so cool. I know what you mean about cardboard boxes and wrapping paper. They’re the best toys. My mom asked me why that was, but I don’t know. It’s just fun. My mom was awake in the middle of the night, hmm…I wonder why, anyway, we prayed for you, Lil, and your mom. We’re wishing you the best of 2025. Just so you know Eup News is no longer on Facebook due to spam issues, except for the weather, so please go to Eupnews.com to read all the great stories, columns, and devotions. Keep me updated on how you and yours are doing, Mittens. It’s always great to hear from you.
Love Maverick