Man Dies in Crash on Mackinac Trail

On Saturday 1-25-2025 at approximately 4:52 pm central dispatch started receiving 911 calls in reference to a traffic crash. It was reported the crash occurred on Mackinac Trail near 12 mile rd and it appeared the victims were in rough shape.

Deputy Sheriff’s arrived on scene to find the roadway blocked by the crash involving two vehicles. Deputies found the crash to be on Mackinac Trail on the I-75 overpass. Vehicle #1 had three occupants, all of which had injuries and were transported to My Michigan hospital.

There were no occupants on scene from vehicle #2.

The investigation found that Vehicle #1 lost control on the snow-covered road and as it slid sideways Vehicle #2 drove into the passenger side of Vehicle #1.

The front passenger of Vehicle #1, a Brown City Mi man, did not survive the crash.

The investigation is still ongoing.

Chippewa Co Sheriff’s Office was assisted by Bay Mills Pd, Dafter Fire, Kinross EMS, Bay Mills emergency Connection, Central Dispatch and the Chippewa County Sheriff’s VSU.

EUP News Staff

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