Hi, I’m Maverick and this is my column/blog, “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for Valentine’s Day. My mom says it’s an important day to tell someone special that you love and care about them. My mom has been putting Valentine stickers on her outgoing mail which also means bills. Not that she loves bills, but she thought she’d spread a little cheer. I’m sending Valentine’s to my friends through this column, like Mr. Simon from Canada, Lil and Mittens, Spooky, Buddy, Lani, DJ, Patrick, Leonard, Stubbs, and many more. I am forgetting names, but know that I am thinking of you and sending a Valentine from my heart.
I’ve been ornery lately. My mom thinks I must be channeling my late brother Alex, somehow. He loved paper. She used to call him her little accountant because he was fascinated with her desk. When he came to live with her she soon found out that she had to hide all the paperwork and files that she had out. He loved to shred it. One time she had to go to the billing department at the hospital to request another bill that he had torn to pieces. He loved playing with the printer and scanner and even answered the phone when it rang by pushing the speaker button. He had a lengthy conversation one time with someone before my mom figured out he was talking on the phone. Now I have started tearing up paper. My mom left some things on the table last week and when she got up in the morning there were itsy bitsy pieces all over the floor and table. I can’t get up on the counters to play Voyageur right now because my arthritis is acting up again, as it did last winter, so I am finding new things to do like tearing paper. I find it’s a great destresser. In case you didn’t know cats get stressed just like people, and I am stressed because my mom is ill again and was supposed to have surgery on the 18th, and I am worried about her. I am pretty sure it will be canceled. I think tearing up paper would be good for my mom. She has a lot on her plate and is having a hard time. She needs to get rid of her stress somehow.
I’ve also had the Zoomies. My mom smiles when she sees me zooming around our apartment. Zoomies are fun and keep me warm during this frigid winter, plus, I love making my mom smile.
In my last column, I told you about the dangers of scented things in your home and office. I want to continue with that and give you more information about the dangers of fragrant oils. Here is a list of oils that cause serious damage to cats: wintergreen, oil of sweet birch, citrus, pine, peppermint, cinnamon, clove, pennyroyal, ylang-ylang, tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus oil. Toxicity can occur from any oil, but the ones just listed, are some of the ones that cause the most severe poisoning, according to “Pet MD.
“If you choose to use an essential oil on your body or via a diffuser in your home, all pets in the house should be quarantined to a room where they are not exposed to it.
“Access to fresh air is essential to your cat’s health in a home where essential oils are used. If you have these oils on your body, it’s advised to avoid contact with your cat until it is fully absorbed and no longer has an odor.”
On a personal note, my mom, and I were exposed to an industrial-strength air freshener a few years ago. We both had a bad reaction, and my mom has severe asthma so the rescue squad was called. It also burned her eyes, and she still has issues from it. Recently, she was exposed again to a small plug-in at a medical office, of all places. If you don’t want to take my word for it, please research the toxicity of these things for yourself. Please keep your loved ones safe and healthy.
That’s it for this edition of “Cat Tales.” Make sure to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and give them a big smooch on Valentine’s Day.
I will leave you with today’s quote: “In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence.” – Rosanne Amberson
Love Maverick
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day - March 12, 2025
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
Hi Maverick,
It’s me, Spooky! It’s been awhile since I’ve had the chance to read your Cat Tales. Mom has been pretty busy and hasn’t turned on the computer so I could read your column or even to write you. I’m right there with you on the paper thing. I love to tear up paper. Mom has to be careful what she leaves out or they won’t have any corners left on them. Just thinking about this gives me cat giggles.
I’m sorry your mom hasn’t been feeling well. I also hope things go well with her upcoming surgery. I told Mom we need to pray for your mom. She said absolutely and to pray for you too. Mom said after your mom comes home from surgery, you have to be on your best behavior and take good care of her. I know that you will because you love her so much.
Well, you and your mom stay warm. And I’ll try to get on the computer more often to read your column.
Happy Takes To You!
Hi Spooky
It has been a while. I hope you and your mom are doing great. So you like to tear up paper too, eh? Maybe it’s a cat thing. It’s better than coloring on the walls and floors because I’m pretty sure I’d be in big trouble. I don’t want to take any chances of doing something like that. Spooky, I hope you and your mom have a cattastic Valentine’s Day, and don’t forget to give her a big hug and smooch.
Love Maverick