Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! ‘Tis a little blarney from “Cat Tales.” It’s been a while since you have heard from me. I hope everyone is well and surviving this horrid time in our government. More on that later.
My mom had her surgery and it was tough. The surgeon told her the other day at her first post-op appointment that on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst, my mom’s was a 10. She has had a difficult time and continues to struggle. She did get her stitches out, but she is long from being healed. All I know to do for her is snuggle and try not to get into things, but that can be a little hard. I want to act out sometimes when I’m left alone. I hate it when she has to leave me because I get so lonely.
The hospital my mom was at was filled with people with the flu. It has been very severe this year so the surgeon didn’t allow her on a regular floor, although they had reserved a room for her. That turned out to be a good thing. She was kept in a cubicle on the surgery floor. Her nurse that first night was pulled from the cardiac unit and although it was not a pleasant experience for my mom or the nurses, they got through it. I’m glad the surgeon kept her away from the flu patients. She’s been in a lot of pain and still is. She lost a lot of blood too, and has been exhausted. Since her post-op appointment, she has been able to sleep regularly since she doesn’t have to sleep sitting up anymore. The surgeon told her she would be getting deep sleep for a while and have a lot of dreams, and boy, has she. That first day she came home from her post-op appointment at his office, she went to bed and slept 22 hours. She sleeps more than me now. She was sleep-deprived.
I had never slept on my mom’s pillow because I always slept snuggled next to her, but while she was gone I did. I missed her so much. The second day she was gone, I decided to act like a big boy to keep from being depressed so I got on the laptop thinking I was going to keep busy doing some work on my column. Whoa, I wasn’t expecting all that I saw and read. My mom and I don’t have television and haven’t for many years, we get our news off our laptop. Holy Moly. My mom and I knew things would be bad with this president, but they were even worse than expected.
I’m considering starting a new column, in addition, to my “Cat Tales” column. I’d call it Paw-lit-a-cat, a spin on the word political. I have lots to say about what’s happening in our country. It makes me mad what that darn Trump has done. I don’t want to call him president because he isn’t worthy of it. I apologize to our wonderful Canadian neighbors for how he is treating them and Mexico. My mom and I have friends and relatives in Canada and they don’t deserve the tariffs and the outright disrespect our government is showing them.
Trump is treating the veterans and our seniors like they don’t matter. I cry over that. Anybody who isn’t rich and doesn’t kiss Trump’s behind isn’t worthy in his book. He and his cronies are gutting all the programs that are needed. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, our education department, kids meals, SNAP benefits, and the list goes on.
Stocks are plunging, treasury yields are falling, consumer confidence is dropping, and inflation is picking up. My mom was placing an online grocery pick-up order and she went to buy her favorite chocolate chips, they were just under $7.00 so she couldn’t buy them. They had almost doubled in price. I can tell my mom is worried about things and our expenses. We’re not the only ones. The one thing that I smile about concerning that awful Trump and his cronies is that God will take care of them in the end. I am sure there are reservations in a very special place for them. Trump may be our president, but he doesn’t rule God or His Kingdom. God has something to say about that.
And that awful vice-president who called our country being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies.” Well, let me tell you, J.D. Vance, I like that better than being the Putin-loving oligarchs like you and the other Republicans are. Plus my mom isn’t a childless cat lady, she has me. He said it like it was a bad thing too. Shame on him! I realize I’m a cat and can’t vote, but I cannot understand why people did vote for Trump. Didn’t they see what kind of president he was the first time around? Look what happened on January 6, 2021, with the attack on the U.S. Capitol, and the way he always talked poorly about people, let alone the fact that he is a narcissist.
What is a narcissist? In the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is defined as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. Narcissism is a mental personality disorder.
Even though I can’t vote legally I still think about who I would vote for if I could. I do this with the president, our congressmen and women, and our senators. I look at what kind of people they are. Do they treat their family well, do they have empathy, are they Christians and not just saying they’re Christians, and after all of that, I look at who is the best fit. I would vote for the person I believe would do the best job for our country, not party, like the Democrats and Republicans. Because when you vote party you are limiting yourself to those of that party even though you know they wouldn’t be a good fit. We need someone who isn’t going to lie to us, someone with morals, who loves others and wants the best for us. That isn’t Trump and his cronies. But now we are stuck with him for four long years. Just know that we aren’t powerless. Write letters, make calls, flood the White House switchboard, and let them know your thoughts and feelings. Make yourself heard. I may be a cat, but I am a smart cat and have all kinds of thoughts and ideas about this. That’s why I am thinking about starting the new column. Let me know your thoughts on this. You can email me at, leave a comment on Facebook, or make a comment at the end of this column. I love hearing from my fans.
“I think that’s it for this edition of “Cat Tales.” I have a lot more to say about what’s happening in our country, but I need to check on my mom and get a snack.
Let me leave you with this quote: “The word ‘homeowner’ has the word ‘meow’ in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again.” – unknown
Oh, and one other thing, the word “trump” in the British UK, means “to fart” or like my mom and I say, “to toot.” Now that gives me the cat giggles.
Take care everyone.
Love Maverick
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day - March 12, 2025
- Be My Valentine - February 11, 2025
- I Think I’m a Bear - January 16, 2025
Thank you Maverick for sharing your thoughts on the tragedy that is the Trump regime! I believe they are destroying our country. We need more voices who aren’t afraid to speak out against Trump, Vance, Musk and all his other minions. We need to expose their lies and disinformation. And Christians need to see who Trump truly is and that his actions are anything but Christian…quite the opposite.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.
I took would also like to extend my apologies to our wonderful Canadian neighbors. Please know that the vast majority of US citizens do not approve of Trump’s appalling behavior towards Canada.
Maverick, I hope you will continue to write about what’s going on in our country and world in future columns. Get well wishes to your mom!