Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! ‘Tis a little blarney from “Cat Tales.” It’s been a while since you have heard from me. I hope everyone is well and surviving this horrid time in our government. More on that later. My mom had her surgery and it was tough. The […]
Be My Valentine
Hi, I’m Maverick and this is my column/blog, “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for Valentine’s Day. My mom says it’s an important day to tell someone special that you love and care about them. My mom has been putting Valentine stickers on her outgoing […]
I Think I’m a Bear
Hi everyone. Here I am again with a new edition of “Cat Tales.” If you are a first-time reader of my column/blog, my name is Maverick. I write about all kinds of things. It’s like keeping a journal about my life with my mom and friends, only I let other […]
Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone. I am Maverick and this is my column “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. My mom and I had a quiet one. Holidays are tough for us, but I got a great Christmas present. In my last column, I mentioned there was an […]
‘Tis the Season
Hi everyone. As most of you know I am Maverick, and this is the Christmas Edition of “Cat Tales.” It’s been a while since my last column. That’s because my mom has been ill, and I am helping to take care of her. Back on November 11th, she became ill […]
Tears of Frustration
Here I am again with another edition of “Cat Tales.” I’m Maverick, and this is my column/blog of life with my mom. It’s a mishmash of stuff. I like to write with my purple laptop that sits on my desk. Yes, I have my own desk. It’s probably the coolest […]
It’s My Anniversary
Hi, I’m Maverick, a writer for EUP News, who just happens to be a cat. I love writing about things happening with my mom and friends. My mom and I share an office. We each have a desk and have loads of fun working together. Sometimes I have to get […]
I Got Some Great News
Here I am again, with another edition of “Cat Tales.” In case, you’re new to my blog/column, my name is Maverick, and I am a cat who writes about things happening with my mom and me. Also, you’ll hear about my friends Spaghetti Betty, Oscar, and Oliver. Speaking of which, […]
Exploring New Territory
Hi everyone. I’m Maverick with another edition of “Cat Tales.” I’m not in the dog house, but I might deserve it. Some moms would probably put me in a dog house for being ornery, but not my mom. My mom handles my orneriness by talking with me and telling me […]
End of Summer
Hi everyone, I am Maverick and for those who don’t know me, this is my column “Cat Tales.” My friend, Spaghetti Betty, and her parents like our community so much that they are building a house here. That’s a picture of Spaghetti Betty at the housing site. She’s excited because […]