
Letters from the Past – No 5

Letters from the PastNo. 5 Wenatchee, WashingtonNovember 8, 1919 Dear Helen and Arthur, I am terribly slow in answering your (picture) Ha Ha! We are so proud of the picture and think it is so good for both of you, but you will forgive us for being so slow to […]

Letters from the Past- #4

Letters from the Past No. 4 Norfolk, VANovember 28, 1918 My Darling Helen, Today is Thanksgiving Day, and it is a very disagreeable day. It is raining, so it makes it rather dreary. I just had chow, but I did not have as near as good chow, as I had […]

Letters From The Past – No 3

Letters from the PastNo. 3 Norfolk, VANovember 19, 1918 My Darling Helen,I have at hand another letter from you which I received yesterday. It found me well and in good health as usual. Yesterday, I and one of the other boys began making the rope fenders that I was telling […]

Letters from the Past – No 2

Letters from the PastNo. 2 Kake, AlaskaDec. 3, 1919 Dearest Helen, I am so sorry to hear of Ester’s death, how terrible it seems and those poor children and the father. But God knows best and His will be done so you must remember and be comforted. It is dark […]

Letters From The Past

I am introducing a new series that I am calling “Letters from the Past.” I love history, and I am a collector of “old things” like antiques, vintage letters, journals, and old stories. We can learn so much from revisiting the past, and I have to admit sometimes I feel […]

Timeless Beauty

I love antiques, old books, and letters. I love listening to our older generation that shares their wisdom and stories from the past. There is so much to learn from their history if only we would take the time to listen and imagine. I feel the same way about antiques. […]

Remembering the Karmelkorn Bakery

When I was growing up, my Dad worked at the Karmelkorn Bakery, in Sault, Michigan. I loved it when I was able to visit him there. As soon as I walked in the back door my stomach would rumble. The wonderful smell of cookies, cakes, pastries, and bread baking were […]

What’s in a Letter

I love writing letters and receiving letters in the mail. But it seems that it has turned out to be a lost art of sorts. With technology, people find it easier to email, call, text, and use social media to stay in touch with others, and to me, that seems […]

Yooper Life: For The Love of a Dog (Part 8)

I had just started plowing the driveway when my mom called and told me that my dad had seen a deer by Besteman’s sawmill. I figured I would hook up to the trailer then I could also plow moms driveway while I was there. I backed up to hook up, […]