
Growing A Nester

By Laurie DavisEUP News Contributor My maternal grandmother was a nester. She didn’t have much in the way of money, but her heart was worth a pile of gold. Her house was old and a little decrepit, but she did the best she could with what she had. From the […]

Yooper Life: For the love of a Dog (Part 7)

You would think that picking up roadkill would be simple. I mean, how many people actually do that kind of stuff? Amazingly a lot. Time after time I would get a message or a call that there was a deer hit, get ready, hook up the trailer and head out […]

Yooper Life: For the love of a dog (Part 6)

Shortly after the large ice storm that went through in January I received another morning deer message. It was on M-129 so Steph and I headed out to pick it up. I Figured we could handle it since most had been does. But this time got our first spike horn! […]

I Woke Up Looking like Maxine

Something happened to me. I’ve become Maxine, and I hardly recognize myself. It’s as if it happened overnight, one minute I was myself, and the next minute, I seemed to have morphed into Maxine. It was very disconcerting, to say the least. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our world, and […]

Yooper Life: For the Love of a Dog (Part 5)

Once hunting season was over and no one else got a deer for me, I continued with my quest of “road kill hunting.” On the way home from Pickford’s school Christmas concert, which is where my other 5 grandchildren attend, Doug and I passed a police car with its lights […]

Thank You!

I don’t know you by name but you are my hero. My heart is full of gratitude and this thank you letter is for everyone on the front lines of this coronavirus pandemic. This is such a challenging time for everyone and my heart goes out to each and every […]

YOOPER LIFE: For the Love of a Dog (Part 4)

By Misty Murdock Hunting season finally arrived and I was sure it was going to provide enough venison for the year. I had several friends and family members that said they would give me extra and would even do the two deer license tags. I figured my days of cooking […]

In My Opinion …

This is definitely a trying time, not only for our country but around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is something to be concerned about for each and every one of us. I think the important thing to remember is not to lose our sensibility. What I mean by this is […]