
In My Opinion …

This is definitely a trying time, not only for our country but around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is something to be concerned about for each and every one of us. I think the important thing to remember is not to lose our sensibility. What I mean by this is […]

Less than a week into the spread of coronavirus in Michigan, Attorney General Dana Nessel already was investigating dozens of consumer complaints of price gouging. Scoundrels. A public health emergency like this one is a time to come together, to help each other where we can, and for us all […]

Happy Campers

By Laurie Davis Growing up in the 1960s, when my dad got off work on Saturday mornings, he would often take us camping. My mom would get the food ready, and the sleeping bags, pillows, and clothes packed, for a weekend at Detour State Park. As soon as my dad […]

Yooper Life: For The Love Of A Dog (Part 1)

By Misty Murdock When I first starting taking my Maltese, Sadie. to the vet for an ear infection I never thought it would lead to where it has in life. After 5 months of treatments and no change in the infection, Dr Chadwick consulted with a Vet from MSU and […]

Opinion: The facts about Michigan charter schools

(Detroit News) – On any given day, it’s possible to open your social media feed and wonder what’s true and what isn’t. In an era of “fake news,” many of us are beginning to wonder if we are becoming a society that cares more about rhetoric than facts. Now, there […]

Spending Time With Grandma

By Laurie Davis My maternal grandmother was such an inspiration to me. I remember riding my bike across town and visiting my grandmother on Saturdays during the school year and just about any old day during the summer. She didn’t buy me toys or sit me by the television. She […]

How Do We Solve This?

By Karmen Lemke, CEO, Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes We hear in the news that there is a STEM workforce crisis, children are spending more time in front of a screen than outside, and that there is a global leadership crisis. How do we solve this? Girl Scouts […]

When Michigan’s Soo Locks Readied for World War II

Featured in the March 2012 issue of Traverse Magazine. “Fear Bombing Attack on Soo, Observers are Told,” screamed a headline on the front page of the Soo Evening News on April 30, 1942. “Trenches Will Be Handy When Bombs Drop On The Sault,” echoed another in the Evening News of […]