
Schoolcraft Arrives on Steamer

In 1923, Stanley Newton published, “The Story of Sault Ste. Marie and Chippewa County.” This is part five of a continuing series that tells the history of Sault Ste. Marie and area in its early years.  – Laurie Davis Schoolcraft Arrives on Steamer It appears to have been overlooked by […]

A Cat Wears Many Hats

As most of you know I’m Maverick and this is my column, “Cat Tales.” I hope everyone is well and enjoying summer. People probably think cats only have one job and that’s sleeping. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. I like to think of myself as a well-rounded […]

Part Four: Letter of Reprimand

In 1923, Stanley Newton published, “The Story of Sault Ste. Marie and Chippewa County.” This is part four of a continuing series, that tells the history of Sault Ste. Marie and area in its early years. Enjoy! – Laurie Davis Letter of Reprimand Ramsay Crooks, a wonderful Scotchman who penetrated […]

Part Three: Americans Surrender

In 1923, Stanley Newton published, “The Story of Sault Ste. Marie and Chippewa County.” This is part three of a continuing series, that tells the history of Sault Ste. Marie and area in its early years. Enjoy! – Laurie Davis Americans Surrender Captain Roberts was in charge at St. Joseph […]

Enjoying Summer

Maverick here with the latest edition of “Cat Tales.” Here’s a pic of Spaghetti Betty. She’s adorable. She was caught without her signature smile though, that’s because she just woke up from a nap.  Spaghetti Betty and I want to take this time to remind you to take care of […]

Part Two: John Johnston’s Life And Family

In 1923, Stanley Newton published, “The Story of Sault Ste. Marie and Chippewa County.” I will be doing a series of stories from his work. I hope you find them as interesting and informative as I have. – Laurie Davis Waub-ojeeg was the most famed of the Chippewas in the […]

Saying Goodbye to Charlie Brown

Three weeks ago today folks who live in Chippewa County paid their final respects to Charlie Brown, an outstanding and much appreciated member of the community. He was one of those fellows who was easy to like from the first hello and handshake. Although he was a successful owner of […]

19th Century Sault Sainte Marie

In 1923, Stanley Newton published, “The Story of Sault Ste. Marie and Chippewa County.” It’s a great read. From time to time, I’ll share some of what was written. I found it quite interesting, and I hope you will too. – Laurie Davis In the year, 1800 the value of […]

The Things I Go Through

Hi Everyone. Maverick here with another exciting edition of “Cat Tales.” You’re probably wondering why I am dressed up like a flag. This is my friend, Spaghetti Betty’s work. She is making us costumes for July 4th, and she snapped this pic while doing a fitting. I think you know […]

Ivan’s In Trouble

Hi everyone. Here is the latest edition of “Cat Tales.” What a week it’s been for my mom. She says she feels like she is on a roller coaster. She got some good health news, but then a few days later she got bad news. It’s very stressful getting old […]