A Michigan family rescued a deer that fell in icy water. The rescue occurred last Friday in Cedarville Bay, located in the state’s Upper Peninsula, according to reports. Two brothers, Jeff and Greg Lipple, worked for hours to rescue the shivering animal floating in the frigid water. Jeff used a rope and […]
Local News
Michigan State University Extension Offers Free Online Matter of Balance Program
The Michigan State University Extension will be offering the Online Matter of Balance program to assist older adults with concerns about falling and balance on Zoom. Falling is a major concern for many people as they get older and the fear of falling often acts as a restriction to activities, […]
Troopers Respond to Medical Emergency, Unresponsive Woman Revived
SAULT STE MARIE, MICHIGAN. At approximately 11:18 a.m. yesterday, Troopers RachelOlesen and Noah Misiak from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Sault Ste. Marie Post respondedto a report of an unresponsive woman in the passenger seat of a vehicle located on SouthMackinac Trail near 4 ½ Mile Road. Upon arrival, troopers […]
26th Annual Food Drive Set For Saturday, December 7th
Chippewa County Commissioner Scott Shackleton and Sheriff Mike Bitnar have set Saturday, December 7th as the date for the annual food drive. This will be the 26th year of the event which has become an annual tradition. “We live in a very generous community,” said Bitnar, “and there are always […]
Michigan State Police Ends Search for Missing Kayaker on Lake Superior
Munising, Michigan – The Michigan State Police (MSP) is ending the search for a previouslyreported missing man. On September 29, 2024, MSP Negaunee Post responded to a report that65-year-old John Kueber was missing after he was believed to have gone kayaking on LakeSuperior. Mr. Kueber was last heard from on […]
TRIDENT-Sault Ste Marie PD – Chippewa Co Sheriff Bust Major Meth Dealers and Stolen Property Ring
All agencies worked together on Friday November 22nd working on multiple criminal investigations. Trident had already been working on the Methamphetamine investigation when stolen property investigations connected the same suspects. The investigations lead law enforcement to executing multiple search warrants. The investigation lead to the seizure of approximately 8 ounces […]
52 Troopers Graduate, Local Resident to be Assigned to Sault Ste Marie Post
LANSING, MICH. Michigan communities will soon benefit from the addition of 52 state troopers whograduated this afternoon from the 147th Trooper Recruit School. During the ceremony in Lansing, Col. James F. Grady II, director of the Michigan State Police (MSP),administered the Oath of Office to the graduates who begin their […]
U.P.’s first prison collegiate education program starts in Chippewa County
What’s happening: Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie has enacted its “STEP UP” program, a prison education program designed to help those incarcerated in the Chippewa Correctional Facility a chance to earn an associate degree in small business administration. The program will include a full-time curriculum focusing on business […]
New Lock at the Soo to host public meeting for 2024-2025 blasting activities
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District and New Lock at the Soo contractor Kokosing Alberici Traylor, LLC (KAT) will host an in-person and virtual public meeting at 6 p.m., November 21, 2024, to inform the public of test blasting activities needed for project construction. The […]
MSP Investigating Body Washed Ashore from Lake Superior
Munising, Michigan. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Negaunee Post is completing a death investigation involving a body that washed ashore from Lake Superior along Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore near Miners Beach. On 11/8/2024 troopers responded to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore after hikers spotted a deceased subject’s body had washed ashore and […]