Local News

Local leader named to US Dept of Interior Leadership Team

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior today announced additional members of the agency leadership team working to steward America’s natural, cultural and historic resources, and honor our nation-to-nation relationship with Tribes. “As we work to advance President Biden’s vision for a clean energy future that creates good-paying jobs, protects […]

DEA Rolls Out Operation Engage To Focus On Eastern Upper Peninsula

DETROIT – Today the United States Drug Enforcement Administration launched a new comprehensive law enforcement and prevention initiative aimed at reducing drug use, abuse, and overdose deaths.  “Operation Engage” allows participating field divisions to focus on the biggest drug threat and resulting violence in their respective geographic areas. The initiative […]

BREAKING: Chippewa County Health Department and War Memorial Hospital Advise of Clinic Delay for 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. vaccinations due to Vaccine Shipment Delay

Sault Sainte Marie, MI – There has been an unexpected delay in vaccine delivery for today’s LSSU Norris Center COVID-19 vaccine clinic. Individuals scheduled between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. are asked to wait for further information on when to arrive for their appointments. Please follow media (radio and social, […]

Keith Clegg recognized for outstanding service at KCF

Kinross Correctional Facility Warden Michael Brown recently presented Sergeant Keith Clegg with a Good Government Symbol of Teamwork Coin for both his extraordinary hard work and his support of his KCF co-workers. “Sgt. Clegg is a team player always offering his assistance in any way he can,” Warden Brown said. […]

Lake Superior State University Receives $950,000 CARES Act Recovery Assistance Grant to Support Economic Diversification Efforts in Michigan Opportunity Zone

Sault Ste. Marie, MI — Lake Superior State University received a $956,858 CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) within the U.S. Department of Commerce to purchase lab equipment to build capacity at the Center for Freshwater Research and Education (CFRE). The project, to be located […]