Local News

United Way EUP seeks donor support for Nov 19 distribution

SAULT STE MARIE – On Thursday, November 19, 2020, United Way of the Eastern Upper Peninsula, along with Lake Superior State University student athletes and volunteers from around the community, will distribute 15,000 pounds of food to those in need through a partnership with Michigan Department of Health and Human […]

Sheriff gets truck stolen while on radio show

MARQUETTE, Mich. (AP) — A sheriff in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula couldn’t find his marked pickup truck and figured his deputies were playing a joke. It was no joke: The Chevy Silverado was missing Wednesday. Minutes later, a Marquette County dispatcher reported that the vehicle was in a ditch. Sheriff Greg […]

Local man arrested on drug charges

On 10/20/2020 a traffic stop was conducted by a Chippewa County Sheriff’s Deputy at the direction of TRIDENT, the Tri-county Drug ENforcement Team. The vehicle was suspected of trafficking narcotics from the Detroit area to Sault Ste. Marie. Robinson was the sole occupant of the vehicle and was arrested on […]

Troopers investigate Break and Enter of storage shed

Michigan State Troopers from the Sault Ste Marie Post were alerted to a breaking and entering of a storage shed on Highway M-123 near W. Station South Road in Whitefish Township in Chippewa County. Troopers believe the incident took place between January 2020 and June 2020. The suspect(s) appeared to […]

Waterspout spotted near Mackinac Bridge

MACKINAW CITY, MI – There’s no argument that anytime one mentions the Mackinac Bridge it’s always something spectacular. That was also the case Friday. Travelers on the bridge had difficulty keeping their eyes on the road as a waterspout suddenly appeared to the west of the bridge. The Mackinac Bridge […]