Michigan News

Michigan Officials Celebrate U.S. Supreme Court Decision That Upholds the Affordable Care Act

LANSING, Mich. – Today, State of Michigan officials celebrated the United States Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision that upholds the Affordable Care Act in California v. Texas.   “Every Michigander deserves access to quality, affordable health care, and today’s Supreme Court decision is a victory for all Michiganders,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “The high quality, affordable health coverage provided under the Affordable Care Act is […]

Senate OKs Extension Of License Expirations, Walk-In Requirement

Members of the Senate on Thursday sought to address long secretary of state wait times for appointments by passing legislation that would extend the expiration date of driver’s licenses and state identification cards for residents while also seeking to require walk-in availability at branch offices. The expiration date of enhanced […]

Feds: Vice Lords gang conspiracy includes hits on inmates

Detroit — Federal agents Thursday arrested more than three dozen members and associates of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation street gang in an attempt to stem the rise of gun violence in one of the nation’s most dangerous cities.  The arrests coincided with prosecutors unsealing a 39-count indictment accusing alleged Michigan gang leader Kevin “Spaghetti” Fordham, […]

Governor Whitmer Signs Executive Directive to Expand High-Speed Internet Access For Michiganders

LANSING, Mich. — Governor Gretchen Whitmer today issued Executive Directive 2021-02 to help bridge the digital divide by establishing the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI) to make high-speed internet more affordable and accessible. With high-speed internet becoming a necessity in our educational, professional, and personal lives, the new office will be dedicated to coordinating and advancing the State’s efforts to ensure that every home and business in […]

Michigan Takes Next Step Back to Normal under updated Vacc to Normal Plan

LANSING, Mich. – Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Michigan has reached the next step in the Vacc to Normal plan. As of June 1, capacity limits are lifted for outdoor events and residential gatherings. Additionally, indoor capacity limits will increase to 50%, allowing indoor social gatherings such as weddings and funerals to move closer to normalcy. Face masks will […]