
Gatherings remain limited, group exercise and non-contact sports now open to support mental and physical health

LANSING, MICH.  The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) updated its epidemic order today to allow re-opening of additional activities where Michiganders can remain masked and socially distanced, as this has been scientifically shown to slow the virus. This includes indoor group exercise and non-contact sports. The new order is effective Saturday, Jan. 16 and will […]

Michigan plans to charge ex-Gov. Snyder in Flint water probe

FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, his health director and other ex-officials have been told they’re being charged after a new investigation of the Flint water scandal, which devastated the majority Black city with lead-contaminated water and was blamed for a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, The […]

Sault School Superintendent Retires

During the school board meeting tonight, I informed the Board of my intent to retire from my position as Superintendent of Schools, effective at the end of this school year, June 30, 2021. I am making this announcement now so that the Board will have the necessary time to find […]