
Former Harbor House building to be destroyed

The building located at the corner of Johnston St. and Portage Ave. in Sault Ste. Marie will be carefully deconstructed starting October 11th 2023. Any salvageable materials were previously removed. The lot with the building formerly known as the Harbor House was purchased in June 2023 by Famous Property Development LLC. […]

Officer Involved Shooting in Missaukee County

MISSAUKEE COUNTY, MI. On Thursday, October 5, 2023, at approximately 1:46 p.m. the NorthernMichigan Mutual Aid Task Force Emergency Response Team (ERT) was conducting a search warrant forthe arrest of a 41-year-old Lake City woman in Norwich Township. During the arrest, members of theERT were confronted by the woman, who […]

Nowicki Convicted of Child Sex Crimes

Aaron James Nowicki, age 49 was convicted of Child Sexually Abusive Activity onSeptember 28, 2023 by a jury of his peers. The jury heard testimony from several policeofficers, a forensic computer expert, and the defendant himself. The case arose from anundercover collaboration between the Genessee Human Oppression Strike Team (GHOST), […]

Struggles of the Golden-Winged Warbler

From its wintering grounds in Central and South America, the golden-winged warbler once called vast stretches of eastern North America its home. From Tennessee in the southeast, clear-through to the northern tip of Minnesota, the golden-winged warbler was a welcome sight to bird-watchers. Thepast sixty years, however, have not been […]

MSP Arson/Terrorist suspect arraigned in Court

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich.–The suspect involved in the arson and subsequent shooting at the Sault Ste. Marie State Police Post on Sept. 6-7 has been arraigned in the 91st District Court in Sault Ste. Marie. James Kamal Itani, a 39-year-old male from Orlando, Florida was charged with several felony charges […]

State Trooper involved in shooting in Marquette County

On 9/21/23 at approximately 7pm, troopers from the Michigan State Police, Eighth District Hometown Security Team, were involved in a shooting with a male suspect wanted on a felony warrant. Troopers were attempting to arrest the suspect during a traffic stop on US-41 in Marquette County when the shooting occurred. […]