UPDATE: On Tuesday, February 4th, 2025, at approximately 8:30 a.m., the Sault Ste. Marie Police andFire Departments were dispatched to Wood Creek Manor for a report of multiple gunshotshaving been fired. While enroute, responders learned that a man shot himself in one of thehallways of the apartment building. Upon arrival, […]
Scam Alert: Stolen Credit Cards Used to Buy Lottery Scratch-Offs
There has been an increase in fraudulent activity involving stolen credit cards and lotteryscratch-off tickets throughout the Upper Peninsula and the Northern Lower Peninsula. TheMichigan State Police (MSP) is investigating some of the complaints, including several in theEscanaba area. MSP is aware of related cases also being investigated in Wisconsin […]
Man Dies in Crash on Mackinac Trail
On Saturday 1-25-2025 at approximately 4:52 pm central dispatch started receiving 911 calls in reference to a traffic crash. It was reported the crash occurred on Mackinac Trail near 12 mile rd and it appeared the victims were in rough shape. Deputy Sheriff’s arrived on scene to find the roadway […]
Sen Peters Announces Retirement
U.S. Sen. Gary Peters will not be seeking a third term in 2026, he announced this morning. Peters said he’s retiring from Congress, but not from public life, in a video posted online. He said he hopes to spend more time with his family, including his newborn first grandchild. “At this […]
Woman Arrested for Smuggling Contraband and Drugs into local prison
CHIPPEWA COUNTY – A woman from Redford, Mich. has been arrested and arraigned in court after smuggling drugs and communications items into a correctional facility. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Sault Ste. Marie Post is announcing the arrest of 41-year-old Frances Ramirez-Huerta from Redford, for smuggling contraband into the Chippewa Correctional Facility […]
Just minutes before leaving the presidency, Biden pardons his family
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Monday pardoned his siblings and their spouses, saying his family had been “subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me — the worst kind of partisan politics.” “Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will […]
BMIC announces plans for new retail/housing development
BAY MILLS — As Bay Mills Indian Community moves forward with plans to revitalize the area where King’s Club Casino once operated, a new retail space will accompany nine second-floor apartments in the mixed-use facility. The former casino/tribal administration building, located on Lakeshore Drive, will be tentatively be demolished this […]
Fatal Snowmobile Crash in Schoolcraft County
Schoolcraft County, Michigan. A fatal snowmobile crash occurred last night in SchoolcraftCounty. On January 17, 2025, at approximately 7:20 PM, Michigan State Police (MSP) from theManistique Outpost responded to a snowmobile personal injury crash on the Haywire GradeTrail near Thunder Lake Road in Inwood Township. Some of the driver’s group, […]
St. Ignace Woman Arrested for Felony Drug Offense Following Traffic Stop
Mackinac County, Michigan. A St. Ignace woman has been arrested for possession of methamphetamine, outstanding warrants, and driving without a valid driver’s license. On 1/15/25 at approximately 11:41 p.m., troopers from the St. Ignace Post made a traffic stop of a vehicle for an equipment violation on N. State Street […]
Winter time at the Conservation District
While the snow may be falling and the days are short, the Conservation District is far fromdormant. In fact, these winter months are a time of intense activity, a period for laying thegroundwork for a successful and productive spring and summer. “People often ask me what we do in the […]