Mountain biking or snowmobiling on scenic forest trails, going afield for the state’s time-honored hunting tradition, bird watching in wetland areas – these and countless other ways to enjoy Michigan’s great outdoors are available across the state thanks in part to the careful, thoughtful way the Department of Natural Resources […]
Other News
Whitmer: Michigan could remain in COVID-19 state of emergency for months
Michigan could remain in a state of emergency for months, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Thursday. “It’s not a matter of years,” Whitmer told Brian Calley, president of the Small Business Association of Michigan during a Facebook Live discussion. “It’s months.” Whitmer initiated the state of emergency March 10 during the […]
Dozens rally for gun rights outside Michigan Capitol
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Dozens gathered on the lawn of the Michigan Capitol on Thursday to rally in support of gun rights well as to decry efforts undertaken by the state to rein in the coronavirus pandemic – efforts they say infringe upon their freedom. “Today is about standing up, […]
U.S.-Canada Border Shutdown Likely to Extend Through November, Ottawa Cool to More Exemptions
WASHINGTON/OTTAWA (Reuters) – The United States and Canada are likely to extend border restrictions until at least the end of November as coronavirus cases spike in some states, according to well-placed Washington and Ottawa sources. The sources also said Canadian officials were showing little enthusiasm for suggestions from U.S. authorities […]
Lake Superior State University Invites Volunteers to Participate in Annual “Kids Against Hunger” Meal-Packaging on Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020
Sault Ste. Marie, MI — Lake Superior State University seeks volunteers for its annual Kids Against Hunger meal-packaging drive that will occur on Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020, from 7 AM to 4 PM in the Superior Room in the Walker Cisler Student and Conference Center on the LSSU campus. The […]
Information needed on dog shooting
Troopers of the MSP Sault Ste. Marie Post are investigating a report of a dog being shot and injured near a residence on West M-80, in Kinross, Michigan. This incident reportedly took place at approximately 5:30 pm, on Thursday, September 17, 2020. It is reported the dog was shot in […]
Rudyard resident arrested on child sex charges
SAULT STE MARIE, MI — On September 16, 2020 troopers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Sault Ste. Marie Post received a request to assist the South Dakota Criminal Investigation Division with an investigation. The troopers contacted the suspect, 25-year-old Waylon Staricha formerly from Volga, South Dakota. Staricha had recently […]
City manager on paid leave after social media post about ambushed deputies: ‘Chickens come home to roost’
LYNWOOD, CA – It’s a statement that can only be described as shocking and disturbing. And it could cost the Lynwood City Manager his job. On Tuesday night, Jose Ometeotl was placed on paid administrative leave. The move comes pending an internal investigation, sparked after he posted a response to the […]
Sault Ste Marie woman arrested for OWI 3rd offense
ROSCOMMON COUNTY, MI — On Sunday, September 13, 2020 at about 4:10 am, troopers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) in Houghton Lake stopped to check on a vehicle parked on the shoulder of south US-127 near mile marker 202 in Lyon Township. The driver was asleep behind the wheel […]
Lake Superior State University Cancels “Great Lake State Weekend” Fall Homecoming to Play Things Safe During COVID-19,While Continuing Face-to-Face Classes
Sault Ste. Marie, MI — Lake Superior State University has cancelled its annual fall homecoming, Great Lake State Weekend, out of an abundance of caution due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, while continuing to hold classes face-to-face during the semester. “Every fall, we look forward to welcoming our alumni and […]