Other News

US-2 Mackinac County resurfacing project starts May 6

NEWBERRY, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing about $3 million to resurface nearly 9 miles of US-2 from Borgstrom Road to Hiawatha Trail in Mackinac County. The work includes surface sealing, crack sealing, asphalt milling and resurfacing, rumble strips, slope flattening, aggregate shoulders, guardrail repairs, and pavement markings. Work […]

Two Persons Arrested in Wexford CO Homicide Case

WEXFORD COUNTY, MI. On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, the Michigan State Police (MSP) CadillacPost was contacted reference a missing 55-year-old man from Cadillac. The man’s truck, dog, phone, and other personal items were still at his residence in Cadillac. A search of the property was conducted. Troopers located an area […]

Marquette Man Arrested for Child Sexually Abusive Activity

MARQUETTE, MICH. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Computer Crimes Unit, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force is announcing the arrest of Aidan C. Keller, 19, for child sexually abusive activity – aggravated, possession of child sexually abusive material, and using a computer to commit a crime. Keller was arrested […]

Gov. Whitmer Signs Executive Directive to Train 5,000 Infrastructure Workers

PONTIAC, Mich.—Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Directive 2024-1 to help train 5,000 new infrastructure workers, who will each earn an industry-recognized certificate or credential or receive on-the-job training. The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) will work to ensure all 5,000 workers receive their training and are placed in good-paying jobs.  “We are building up our infrastructure in Michigan, from […]

M-48 Chippewa County resurfacing project starts May 8

NEWBERRY, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing about $1.6 million to resurface nearly 8 miles of M-48 east of M-129 in Chippewa County. The work includes an asphalt overlay, aggregate shoulders, guardrail repairs, and pavement markings. The project is expected to start May 8 and be finished by July […]

Picturing Scripture

“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” – Psalm 16:8 (NLT) Back in November 2015, I had the opportunity to attend the “Holy Walk” in Bruce Mines, Ontario. It was a cold dark evening, as my friends and […]

Blue Devils Sweep Quintuple Meet

The Sault High Blue Devils track and field teams sent full boys and girls squads to compete in St Ignace against the Saints, Cheboygan Chiefs, Manistique Emeralds and Petoskey St Michael Guardians. Both teams earned the most points by the end of the meet, with the boys earning 85.5 and […]

Blue Devils Wrestling Closes Out Season

The 2023-2024 Sault High Blue Devils wrestling team closed out their season with a banquet celebrating the team’s success. Six wrestlers were recognized for making the UP All Academic Team, for being a junior or senior with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Juniors Calvin Aldrich, Sawyer Kuenzer, Brett […]