MARQUETTE, Mich. (WJMN) – In just a few short months, the Yooper duo Nate Denofre and Don Jokinen, will begin their journey to canoe the entire Mississippi River. Their mission? To inspire those with disabilities and remind them of their capabilities. Denofre is a double-amputee. A few years ago, he […]
Other News
Two members of the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office snowmobile patrol attended a two day snowmobile class recently. The Northern MI Law Enforcement Training Group put on the training for Law Enforcement snowmobile patrols. Officers from at least 8 law enforcement agencies including several Sheriffs, Tribal and MI DNR Offices attended […]
State To Pay Juvenile Prisoners $80M In Sex Abuse Settlement
Juvenile prisoners who say they suffered sexual abuse in prison will receive $80 million from the state as part of a settlement finalized today. The state and/or the Department of Corrections will pay the plaintiffs and members of the settlement class $25 million within two business days, another $15 million […]
Sault Tribe supports International Bridge closure from noon-2:30 p.m. today for ceremony
February 27, 2020 — In the spirit of goodwill, collaboration and reconciliation, the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge Authority (IBA) will close the bridge from noon to approximately 2:30 p.m. today, Feb. 27, to facilitate a First Nations water ceremony. Tribal elders will conduct the ceremony at the bridge midpoint. […]
When Michigan’s Soo Locks Readied for World War II
Featured in the March 2012 issue of Traverse Magazine. “Fear Bombing Attack on Soo, Observers are Told,” screamed a headline on the front page of the Soo Evening News on April 30, 1942. “Trenches Will Be Handy When Bombs Drop On The Sault,” echoed another in the Evening News of […]
Irene Margarette “Midge” Coe
Irene Margarette “Midge” Coe, age 89, of Charlevoix, Michigan, formerly of Rudyard, Michigan, died on February 14, 2020 in Charlevoix. She was born on May 8, 1930 in Denville, New Jersey, the youngest of four children to Donald John and Helen Elizabeth MacDonald. Midge grew up in New Jersey until […]
Sault Seal Recreation Area – Temporary Closure
Due to current hill conditions and a mechanical issue, the Sault Seal Recreation Area will be temporarily closed effective February 25, 2020. It is anticipated that we will be reopening in a few days and will notify all departments and media outlets with an updated press release in regard to […]
Victoria A. Johndrow
Vickye Johndrow, of Sault Ste. Marie Michigan walked on February 22, 2020, after suffering a short illness. She was born August 6, 1948, and she was a proud member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. She was well known for her ability to write, her sense of […]
Steven Robert Glezen
Steven Robert Glezen, age 57, of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan passed away Tuesday evening, February 25, 2020, at his home after a battle with Pancreatic Cancer. He was diagnosis in August 2017. Steven was born on December 7, 1962, in Farmington, Michigan to Robert S. and Virginia (Cunningham) Glezen. Steven […]
Axe used, no shots fired in Station Mall robbery: Police
NEWS RELEASESAULT STE. MARIE POLICE SERVICE ******************************On Feb. 24, 2020 officers with Patrol Services and Investigation Services arrested 26-year-old Derek Battagin and 21-year-old Kirsten Maitland for robbery. On Feb. 24, 2020 at 11:08 a.m., police received a call of a robbery at the Station Mall. It’s alleged Mr. Battagin and […]