The Keeping the Piece Quilters Guild will be holding their annual quilt show on Saturday, September 23 from 10 am to 5 pm, and again on Sunday, September 24 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Sault Area Middle School, located at 684 Marquette Avenue, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan. This […]
Other News
SAYINGS FROM THE BIBLE He’ll go the second mile (Matthew 5:41) I saw the handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5:5) The leopard can’t change his spots (Jeremiah 13:23) She thinks she is holier-than-thou (Isaiah 65:5) I escaped by the skin of my teeth (Job 19:20) She’s the apple of my […]
UP Population Increasing by the Second
ST. IGNACE, Mich. (WLUC) – Northbound traffic was backed up significantly early Saturday afternoon on the Mackinac Bridge as Fourth of July travelers enter Upper Michigan. Click here for a live look at bridge cameras. Even with all toll booths open, the sheer volume of traffic sometimes exceeds the capacity […]
Laker Men’s Basketball to Welcome Six New Lakers to the Program
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The Lake Superior State (LSSU) men’s basketball program is set to welcome six new Lakers to the program for the 2023-24 season, as announced by Head Coach Steve Hettinga on Thursday. “After graduating five amazing seniors, I could not be happier with the class that […]
Update: The No Body Contact Advisory for Brimley State Park has been lifted as of today, June 30, 2023. Swimmers may use the water. Original Story: Due to elevated levels of E. coli bacteria detected in samples collected Tuesday, June 27, 2023, the Chippewa County Health Department has issued a […]
Car-Jacking and chase ends in arrest of suspect
OTSEGO COUNTY, MI. On Sunday, June 25, 2023, at approximately 7:15 p.m. a trooper from theMichigan State Police (MSP) Gaylord Post responded to an attempted carjacking and stolen pickup truckin the Waters area. The suspect, 27-year-old Donald Wade North from Alma, was later arrested afterleading officers on a pursuit in […]
Supreme Court rejects novel legislative theory but leaves a door open for 2024 election challenges
The U.S. Supreme Court shot down a controversial legal theory that could have changed the way elections are run across the country but left the door open to more limited challenges that could increase its role in deciding voting disputes during the 2024 presidential election. The court’s 6-3 ruling Tuesday […]
M-28 Resurfacing Project to begin July 5
NEWBERRY, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing about $4.3 million to resurface about 6 miles of M-28 from east of Raco to M-221 in Superior Township, Chippewa County. Work includes asphalt milling and resurfacing, guardrail, and pavement markings. The project is scheduled to begin July 5, 2023 and end Oct 13, […]
Police investigate Attempted Murder in Chippewa County
On June 26, 2023, troopers from the Sault Ste. Marie Post were dispatched to a report of a male subject holding his ex-girlfriend against her will. The investigation revealed a 48-year-old Sault Ste. Marie man had allegedly gone to a place he knew the victim would be, waited for her […]
International Bridge Administration hosting
public hearings on toll increase proposal
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. and Ontario – The International Bridge Administration (IBA) is hosting three in-person public hearings to discuss proposed increases to toll rates on the Sault Ste. Marie International bridge between the U.S. and Canada. The public hearings will allow interested parties the opportunity to view potential changes and […]