Other News

MyMichigan Sault hospital goes into lockdown due to shooting threat

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., — MyMichigan Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie went into lockdown on Tuesday after authorities learned about a potential shooting threat. At around 1:30 p.m., Chippewa County Central Dispatch “received information suggesting threat(s) of violence with a firearm were made by someone towards the My Michigan Hospital,” […]

Sault High Track and Field Off to a Good Start

Seven teams from the Upper Peninsula and Northern Lower Michigan competed at the LSSU Second Annual Yooper Invite 2023 on Friday afternoon. The first meet of the season gave athletes from Boyne City, Charlevoix, Indian River Inland Lakes, Kalkaska, Manistique, Rogers City and Sault Ste. Marie an opportunity to test […]

Marquette Man Arrested for Child Porn Material

MARQUETTE, MICH. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Computer Crimes Unit, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force is announcing the arrest of Samuel Walter Numikoski, 49 of Marquette, for child sexually abusive material-aggravated possession, child sexually abusive material-possession, and using a computer to commit a crime. Numikoski was arrested following an […]

DNR: Your ‘burning questions’ answered

Warmer weather has arrived in some parts of the state and is coming soon to the rest! While setting out the lawn chairs, you might notice your yard has accumulated some unwanted scenery: fallen leaves, twigs and branches from seasonal pruning, and the remnants of last year’s foray into gardening […]

91st District Court Report – April 6, 2023

Bruce HortonMotor Vehicle-Operation Without SecurityFines and costs $600 Dalton Lee SmithOperate While Visibly ImpairedFines and costs $85093 days, credit 1, balance suspended80 hours community service Tyler James DykstraOperate With Presence of Controlled SubstanceControlled Substance-Use-MethamphetamineAttempted Police Officer-Assault/Resist/ObstructFines and costs $300365 days, credit 58, serve 307 Delaney Ann WaldenOperate While Visibly ImpairedFines […]

Victims of fatal Shallows fire identified

In a joint press release issued today by Police Chief Wesley Bierling and Fire Chief Ed Miller, the victims of the fatal fire that occurred in the Shallows area of Sault Ste Marie have been identified and the cause released. The four victims from the fatal fire on March 14th, […]