Other News

A Ford Field Experience for a Sault High Wrestler

“Hard work paves the way to Ford Field.” Sault High Head Coach Jacinto Arreola is referring to one of his wrestlers. One of 1,120 of the best wrestlers from all over the state, Sault High junior Will Ohman competed in one of the largest state tournaments in the country this […]

The Soo Eagles are having a Baby Shower

The Soo Eagles are participating in Operation Shower this weekend and they need your help! Join the team Friday, March 10, or Saturday, March 11, for Military Weekend as we honor our local Veterans and collect new baby items to benefit Operation Shower©. Operation Shower© exists for a simple reason: […]

Fox libel defense at odds with top GOP presidential foes

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News is on an unlikely collision course with two leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination over the rights of journalists. In defending itself against a massive defamation lawsuit over how it covered false claims surrounding the 2020 presidential election, the network is relying on […]