Other News

Laker Women’s Basketball Fall to No. 5 Grand Valley

ALLENDALE, Mich. – The Lake Superior State University women’s basketball program (6-19, 3-14 GLIAC) fell to the Grand Valley State Lakers (25-2, 16-1 GLIAC) by a final score of 77-42 on Thursday. Grand Valley pushed out ahead early, but Lake State was able to close late with five straight points […]

Stepmother Feels Slighted By Teen’s Birthday Episode

DEAR ABBY: I am a first-generation Mexican American who married into a Caucasian blended family. My husband, my stepdaughter, “Lisa,” and her mother and stepfather make up a beautiful unit. I have no children. Although my family initially ruffled at my interracial marriage, they got with the program — so […]

Mackinac Trail business destroyed by fire

SOO TOWNSHIP, Mi — Between 8:30 and 9:00 this morning, a fire broke out at Proline Automotive, located at 5977 S Mackinac Tr, on the corner of Mackinac Tr and 6 Mile Rd. By the time Soo Township Fire Department arrived about 9am, black smoke was billowing from the building […]

Court: Sault PD can’t conceal police force policy

The Sault Ste Marie, MI Police Department has been ordered to release its full policy on the use of force after failing to convince the state appeals court that portions should be concealed from the public. The court noted that Amy Hjerstedt’s request in Sault Ste. Marie followed the killing […]